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Romeo and Juliet - Emotions

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Images of Emotions in "Romeo and Juliet"

One of William Shakespeare's most famous plays is "Romeo and Juliet." I believe the reason for this is its sense of reality and idealism. This paper will present images of human emotions in "Romeo and Juliet," which make this tragedy so believable.

Youth and family play a big role in this tragic story. "Shakespeare delineates the hold of the patriarchal family on its children" (Kahn 18). This statement is true both then and now. Parents and elders will always have a hold on the children, but only to a certain extent. The two "noble" families of the play feel control and protection over both Juliet and Romeo; yet in the end, the only effect they have on the two lovers is that they have pushed them to the drastic measure of self-slaughter.

Others say that the relation between the two time periods is in the children's disobeying of and misunderstanding of rules set before them.

The youth of society tend to question and then possibly disregard the rules that are important to their parents if they do not have a good reason to believe in these rules. The rebellious actions of youth can eventually cause their own untimely destruction. (Justin K.)

Although some feel that way, others say that idea is incorrect because teenagers who have been either purposely forcefully kept out of society tend to fear society rather than their own families (Bradbrook 99).

I agree with Kahn, parents do have a certain magnitude of authority over the youth of society, but it will only have a limited effect. Just as the aged people of today eventually gained or were allowed their ability to make their own decisions and others, so must the younger generation be able to do. This opportunity was one never given to Romeo or Juliet they were left in a position of the second type of connection, where their only option was to go against the rules and concepts set before them.

Two of the many other emotions used in this piece are prejudice and hate. They are intertwined and effect each other in ways so noticeable to us that we tend to forget that they even exist at times. "From examining 'Romeo and Juliet,' it is evident that the play shows how prejudice leads to escalating violence" (Justin K.). This, to most people, is common knowledge especially in society today, where many actions are based on racism or sexism. However, when placed in the dialogue and stage directions of a play, these two feelings take on a whole new meaning and role. Without the prejudice and feuding between the Montagues and Capulets, the love may have never been able to develop, nor would the final situation of the children's suicides. This animosity left the demise of two young lovers as the required destiny to end the conflict.

Fate and love, overall, are the two biggest factors in this Elizabethan tragedy. Throughout the play, it is a relatively simple task to images of love between different people. Images of fate, however, are not as easy to find. But it is those few signs of destiny that are the real cause for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

Love is presented in the play by contrast; Shakespeare shows different types of love. These various loves are the entire basis for the story. There is love between a mother and child (Lady Montague and her care for Romeo, and even the Nurse caring for Juliet); or amongst friends (Mercutio, Romeo, and Benvolio); or sometimes between a master and a servant (the Nurse and Juliet); and, of course between two young, un-wise lovers (Romeo and Juliet).

Love will attach couples, families, and friends forever. It may also put people in precarious positions witch will lead them to hurt others. However, everyone is expected to take those chances in life much like the characters in "Romeo and Juliet" The love for friends, "love" for enemies and love between lovers may have led to tragedy, but it was all for a greater good. The Capulet family and the Montague family have found the error in their ways and the stupidity in their fighting. It just took two teenagers to show them the light, much like teenagers can change adult's ways of thinking today. (Unknown)

Romeo's love can be divided into two parts: the first, before he met Juliet, and the second after he met Juliet. The loves between friends and parents all took place in the foremost of the two. His life before her had been full of many opportunities, yet he was sad



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