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Nature of Logic and Perception

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Nature of Logic and Perception

Steve Johnson

University of Phoenix

Critical Thinking

PHIL 251

Professor John Wad hams

August 30, 2004

Nature of Logic and Perception

As we grow in our lives it is necessary to stop to understand, what we do and how we think. How did we come to a certain conclusion or perception? This paper will cover explaining the nature of logic to critical thinking. Also covered will be my own perceptual process and a description of the types of blocks that influence my views. It is the ability to hone the thinking skills to become a well-rounded contributor to society or any organization.

The nature of logic to critical thinking begins at an early age. From the time one learns the difference between hot and cold, right and wrong, and so on, are the roots of critical thinking. Where we grow and live are the elements of the nature of logic and perceptions. We continue to build on our knowledge about subjects based upon what we know and from new information provided. Critical thinking helps us ask relevant questions, weigh evidence offered in support of arguments. It also helps us to interpret complex problems, and make wise decisions. This is especially important when you realize that many problems do not lend themselves to clear-cut solutions. Some judgments we make are simple and some judgments are complicated. Some arguments, whether made by others, or us may be straightforward and easily understood. While other arguments may be complex and consist of a series of smaller arguments, each needing to be examined and evaluated. This affects the perceptual processes.

My own perceptional processes are similar in nature as nurturing and experiences have molded those critical thinking abilities. This was accomplished through schools, the military and other information resources. To understand critical thinking, one has to have some sense of how human beings process information. We are biologically set up to make sense out of information and experience by summarizing it to reduce the amount of detail using concepts. Each was accomplished by taking information currently known and mastering cognitive skills.

Cognitive skills must be considered at the core of critical thinking. These skills should include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation. These cognitive skills can be simplified as mental abilities that one possesses. "The logical roots of critical thinking in the reading are as ancient as its etymology. It is traceable as far back as to the teaching practice and vision of Socrates 2,500 years ago" (Kirby, et al. 1999 p. 12). He discovered by a method of probing questioning that people could not



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