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Don Quixote and the Code of Chivalry

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Noah McKay

Prof. Erickson

04 September 2017

Don Quixote and the Code of Chivalry

Don Quixote in MAN OF LA MANCHA, while was not actually a knight in reality, displays with his speech and actions many of the Ten Commandments of Chivalry. The code of Chivalry was a code of conduct that knights were expected to follow in their journeys. Quixote was kind and courteous to everyone, including his enemies, which he insisted on helping after defeating them in battle. In his quest to defeat the enchanter of La Mancha, Quixote performs many knightly deeds. These deeds include being courteous and kind to others, being brave, protecting the innocent and characters weaker than him, and fighting evil.

The first Commandment of chivalry that Don Quixote follows is the third commandment, which states ”Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.” Knights were expected to be kind and courteous. When Quixote arrives at the inn he tells everyone that he is ready to serve. He treats Aldonza like a princess, and gives her a lot of respect. He also protects Aldonza from the other men at the inn. “Thou wouldst strike a woman?!” Says Don Quixote when Pedro grabs Aldonza and slaps her. When he fights and defeats the men who attack Aldonza, he upholds this commandment by insisting to “raise them up and minister to their wounds.”

Don Quixote does not retreat from his enemies in battle, exemplifying the fifth commandment. “Thou Shalt not recoil before thine enemy.” states the fifth commandment. He fights the group of men that attack Aldonza, even though he is largely outnumbered. Later, in the battle with the Knights of the Mirrors, Quixote does not run from the enemies, and fights until he is defeated.

The eighth commandment explains that “Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.” A knight has to follow what they pledge, and should not lie at all. Quixote promises Aldonza that he will protect and serve her. He also pledges to take down the great enchanter.

Don Quixote does not falter from his quest to improve the world and fight evil. The tenth commandment declares “Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.“ Every knight is given a mission to



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