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Xbox Vs. Playstation 2: What Is the Better Buy?

Essay by   •  November 18, 2010  •  Case Study  •  897 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,509 Views

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Through all the technology, many new things are coming out. People are highly involved in the gaming world. People always want to play games. When Sony came out with the Playstation, they stole the market from all the other gaming systems. Soon after, Microsoft released the XBOX, which put up a good competition against the Playstation. Now people are wondering, "Which system should I buy? The Playstation 2 or the Microsoft XBOX." I am going to examine both systems, and give the best system to buy, by using the amount of games out on the market, the speed of the system, and miscellaneous equipment.

As of right now, the XBOX doesn't have a great game selection. Not like the Playstation 2, which has an ocean of games out. Now, they both have action games, fantasy, sports, and first person war-games out, but the PS2 has a swarm of games. The XBOX is slowly catching up though. The market for games has gotten a lot better since these systems have come out. The technology is simply amazing. The graphics have improved tremendously. However upsetting it is, the blood and gore games are what people want. It is a proven statistic; they are the highest selling games. The PS2 has many of these games out that are the top sellers in the nation. The XBOX has these games out, but not as nearly many top sellers as the PS2. As of so far, the PS2 is the best buy for the gaming market and the amount of games that are out.

The second aspect to look at is the loading speed and the memory capacity. The XBOX doesn't have a memory card like the PS2 or any other gaming system. The PS2 uses a 8mb memory card. This card is twice the size of the original Playstation gaming system. It can store up to 40 games saves on one card. On the other hand, the XBOX uses a computer hard drive to store information on. It is practically impossible to fill up, but if you do they have the same size memory cards that the PS2 does. It is one up on Sony on memory. The only dynamic of the XBOX hard drive is that if it gets to full it slows down the loading time of the games. For example, if you have 25 different game saves on the drive, it will take longer to load for game play. The loading time on the PS2, however, slows down after too much or the age of it. For instance, a brand new Playstation would have a faster loading time compared to one that is two years old, because the drive is older. They at Sony say this is not true, but they have gotten many systems sent to them to be corrected for this. I am one of these customers that did. For this field, the XBOX has won for faster game play and storage capacity.

The warranty on the two systems is very similar. As long as you own, if



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