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To Kill a Mocking Bird

Essay by   •  October 29, 2010  •  Essay  •  825 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,392 Views

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To Kill A Mocking Bird deals with many primal and basic

lessons in human nature. The book exposes many issues that

affect most people throughout their lives. Scout, the main

character was one of the most affected by these lessons.

During the book she was exposed to many profound

experiences, which no doubt will leave a lasting impression.

In the three years that the book took place, she may have

learned the most important things she will learn over her

entire life. One person that affected Scouts life was Boo

Radley. He brought wonder, fear and then finally relief to her

heart. At first kids thought he was evil. There were rumours

that while he cut out the newspaper for his scrap book he

"drove the scissors into his parent's leg."(pg11) He had tried

to kill them. Even though this may have been just a rumor the

kids were terrified of the Radleys. They described him often

as a monster "six-and-a-half feet tall" with "bloodstained"

hands. He was said to eat "raw squirrels and any cats he

could catch".(pg12) During the rest of the book Scout and

companions tried to meet Arthur (Boo) and get over their

fear of him. They did not succeed. But he showed affection

for them by leaving them gifts in a tree. Finally at the end of

the book he proves he is a good person by saving Scout and

Jem's lives. In this instance Scout may have found that to

negatively prejudge someone is wrong. She also learned

compassion. Scout also learnt about the ugliness of life.

About death and pain. This lesson occurred while her

brother had to read to a sick and dieing old lady. This lady's

name was Mrs. Dubose. She had been a morphine addict

and had decided to go clean till her death. To die as a free

women, to die knowing she had won. Scout describes her

as a ugly lady and during their reading sessions she would

have some kind of spasm-fits. Her head moved side to side.

She would drool. "Her mouth seemed to have a private

existence of it's own." (pg.107) After many reading sessions

with her having a fit each time, she died one day. Probably

the most important person in Scout's life was the one who

had set the best examples for her. This was Atticus. He

taught Scout how to deal with people. One of his teachings

was to be the bigger person. When Bob Ewell spit in

Atticus's face and threatened his life, he did nothing and

walked away. All he had to say later was,"I wish Bob Ewell

wouldn't chew tobacco."(pg.217) Atticus reacts with his

brain not emotions. He encourages Scout to do the same.

Another trait that he teaches is respect. Respect for people

who are different. People such as Boo Radley. The kids had

been acting out a play which involved Boo's scissor incident.

They also tried to give a letter to him, so that he would come

out to meet them. Atticus found out about both incidents.

They were put in their place and told to, "stop tormenting

that man." He then told them that, "what Mr.Radley did was

his own business."(pg.49) Atticus also commanded



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