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Social Contract

Essay by   •  November 12, 2010  •  Essay  •  883 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,339 Views

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"The current federal system of government in the United States is failing to meet its social contract obligations to the American people." There is nothing closer to the truth than this statement. While some may argue that the government is following the guidelines of a social contract, many aspects of the government have outgrown their britches and taken over.

With over fifteen thousand jobs up for the taking in the government it is hard to believe that the government comprised in the 18th century is the same as the one we have now. The government has grown exponentially large since than and has created new positions and departments to "better serve" the country. Such departments include the Department of Homeland Security. Now not to trash the decision to create it; but, teenagers, such as myself, only know that this department will change a color on a chart depending on if they think it's safe or not. We have no knowledge of what it does or what it's supposed to do. Yet for some odd reason we have to pay the bills for this department through our paychecks. Shouldn't we know a little about what it does before we get taxed to help run it? How can this department better serve us if we don't know what it does and how it is helping us? The larger it grows the more money we have to pay to it, and the less independent a citizen becomes.

The government's main and only goal in the social contract is to protect its citizens. Yet the government seems to intervene much more in issues that are not there for them to meddle in. Such issues include the right to protest and the right to love and marry whoever you want, be it a man or a woman. The government wants to pass an amendment to the Constitution that would rule gay marriage unconstitutional and therefore illegal. However, is it not true that there is a separation between church and state? How is it that the government can tell the churches, "Look we don't like gay marriage so you can't wed these two."? Is it not up to the church and the ministers to decide this for themselves? Does the government feel that the gays are now the biggest threat to American society? Is that what they have to protect us from? When it comes to protesting the government is even more protective. During the 2005 Presidential Inauguration you had to reserve a spot to protest, and there were many things that were not allowed down the parade route (such as picket signs). Yet isn't it in the US Constitution that it is legal to protest and gather in public. Susan Goering, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland put it best: "Public expression of sincere and deeply felt disagreement with government policies is one of the highest forms of patriotism and the lifeblood of a democracy."

Separation of powers in this day in age is a touchy situation. Let me pose for you a situation: The President nominates the Supreme Court justices he wants to serve during his term. The Congress of the United States; which is



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