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Organizational Behavior Trends

Essay by   •  December 24, 2010  •  Essay  •  864 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,934 Views

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According to Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, organizational behavior, OB for short, is the study of human behavior in an organization. It is a multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes and organizational dynamics. (2005, p.10) Schermerhorn et al. go on to say that organizational behavior is about everyday people who work and pursue careers in demanding settings. OB is about common themes that characterize modern workplace such as: ethical behavior, globalization, technology, diversity, performance and work-life. (2005, p. 10) Today's workplace environment with globalization and technology is creating more diversity and making the operation of an organization more complex and difficult to manage. We are surrounded by change and its implications in organizations. With electronic commerce, demand for competencies, evolving technology and commitment to personal improvement, business today is under constant revision. (2000, p.4) This paper will discuss the influence of ethics on decision making and how technology impacts work-related stress.

Because one trend in organizational behavior is an increase in the diversity of populations in any given corporation, we first need to define diversity. Diversity in the workplace is defined as differences based on gender, race and ethnicity, age and being able-bodied. (2000, p.5) Schermerhorn et al go on to describe success in today's workplace requires a set of skills for working with a broad mix of people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, of different ages and genders and of different domestic and national cultures. (2000, p.5) Corporations today often spread operations into multi-state regions and even other countries in order to get the most experienced and often more price competitive workforce. This growth has spawned an increase in having numerous backgrounds in an organization and thus has made the workplace more intricate. Valuing diversity is an OB theme. It refers to managing and working with others in full respect for their differences. Interpersonal sensitivity and cultural respect are indispensable to valuing diversity and ethics. (2000, p.5)

The subject of ethical behavior cannot be stressed enough says Schermerhorn et al. Ethical dilemma is a situation in which a person must decide whether or not to do something that, although benefiting them or the organization, or both, may be considered unethical. When it comes to the ethics of decision making, the criteria individuals use to define problems and the values that underline these criteria must be considered. (2000, p.368) In our increasingly diverse workplaces, individuals must make decisions about their behavior and the way they feel about their organizational culture on a daily basis. Before making decisions, an analysis about the consequence of actions and what implications one would face for being insensitive or stereotypical for example, should be considered. When you are a decision maker, decision making is not just a choice process followed by implementation for the good of the organization. It involves values and personal morality. Effective managers and employees implement choices that solve problems, match values and positively impact others. (2000, p.369) Maintaining ethical standards will allow people to make better decisions with positive outcomes.

Stress is defined as tension from extraordinary demands, constraints or opportunities. (2000, p.404) Job stress, separating from non-job related stress, is a chronic disease caused by conditions in



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