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Literary Analysis of “the Story of My Life”

Essay by   •  October 9, 2017  •  Essay  •  483 Words (2 Pages)  •  969 Views

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Literary analysis of “The Story of My Life”

In the excerpt from “The Story of My Life” a central idea is that, even while unsupervised, Helen Keller had the perseverance to survive an immense storm. The author establishes this central idea through, the use of literary devices such as descriptive language and tone.

One literary device that the author utilizes to develop the central idea is descriptive language. According to the text, the writer states, “A shiver ran through the tree and the wind sent forth a blast that would have knocked me off had I not clung to the branch with might and main.” (L. 19-21) With the use of the phrase, “...the wind sent forth a blast...”, descriptive language is brought out. The word “blast”, explains the feeling of highly compressed air being shot out, would appeal to the reader's sense of feeling or touch, Helen Keller describes the wind as being very destructive by using the word blast. Also, with the use of the phrase, “...that would have knocked me off…” helps to explain how strong the winds were and how they were strong enough to blow her off of the tree. Moreover, with the use of phrase, “...I not clung to the branch with might and main” the reader is able to see how Helen Keller was using all of her strength and power to not let go of the tree. This phrase allows the readers to observe how badly Helen Keller wanted to survive this storm.

Additionally, the author incorporates the use of tone to further develop the central idea. The authors tone of anxiousness and fear is highlighted when Helen is discusses how a chilling terror crept over her and how she wanted to get down from the tree. The narrator states, “The immense, the unknown, enfolded me. I remained still and expectant; a chilling terror crept over me…but above all things I wanted to get down from that tree.”(L. 14-17) With the use of, “chilling terror”, the author is explicitly telling the reader that this storm may be very devastating and is emitting a sense fear toward her and that she is very afraid of the storm that she is stuck in. In addition, with the use of the phrase, “...but above all things I wanted to get down from that tree.” The reader can see that the author is currently anxious that something might happen if she stays in the tree and at that very moment, her number one priority was to survive and to get down from that



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