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Lao Tzsu "tao Te Ching" Discussion Questions

Essay by   •  October 24, 2010  •  Study Guide  •  991 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,330 Views

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Lao Tzsu "Tao Te Ching" Discussion Questions

1. What is the most valuable way to live? Discuss the two examples of this idea.

The most valuable way to live is to live passively. An example of this idea includes being able to ride roughshod over the hardest in the world means one can lasts longer in this competitive world by being passive. And only a few in the world means that not too many realize the way of life is to live passively.

2. Discuss the first three questions in this poem. What is "that' in line 7?

The first three questions in this poem asks the reader to reflect. That in line 7 can mean the word because. That can also represent the many complexities in life due to value.

3. What is contentment according to this poet? Of what value is this state of mind?

According to this poet contentment comes but not holding grudge because it states that excessive meanness is sure to lead to great expense. It tells one to let go because being angry and having things bottled up can only hurt oneself.

4. "Highest good" or "the way" indicates a state of perfection in life. What does this poem recommend as a way to approach life?

The poem recommends one to approach life like water because water is an indispensable element that has no conflict in any positions. It is able to adapt and go in area and position that is ideal.

5. What is the author's point about materialism and excesses? What is his recommendation to the reader about the way to live?

One of the author's point about materialism and excesses is not to be greedy. There is no point to be greedy because one can loses as much as it makes and no one can use possess of its wealth after death. The key is to have just enough because wealth can create problem. His recommendation to life is do what you have to do.

6. What paradox is presented in this poem?

The paradox presented in tis poem is that a seemingly weak object water can be as strong as anything. The weak can overcomes the strong and the submissive can overcomes the hard.

7. Which personal qualities are valuable in rulers, according to the poet?

According to the poet valuable qualities in rulers should be the ability to admit and held responsible for the wrongs done in its empire. The one who can blame himself other than blaming others when things go wrong. That means one that would first find fault within himself rather than focusing on the fault of others.

8. Who is the "good" man?

A good mean is a man who forgive and forget. He is one who can look pass the past and move on without forever waiting to seek justification for every wrong done to him in the past.

9. What is the answer to the question presented in the poem?

It is perfect when peace is made between great enemies some enmity is bound to remain undispelled because it creates a test. The one that would never forgive and forget is the bad man, thus it is a test in distinguishing a good man versus a bad one.

10. Explain the paradoxes in the first sentence.

The paradox in the first sentence is that nothing is ever what it is. In a society where we categorize things nothing is what it seems, there are always two side. The beautiful can actually be the ugly and the good can actually be the bad. Nothing is what it seems.

11. What point is Lao Tzu making about opposites?




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