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God: Man or Myth?

Essay by   •  January 1, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,461 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,415 Views

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The existence of man, earth and universe was no accident. It does not seem likely that such an immense creation would be for no reason. How do we really know the origin of what we identify as our universe? What are the true characteristics of a god? Is the role of god only to create, or does god control fate? Has god given us a purpose or are we just simply here for his entertainment? I feel to look into ones beliefs of god, one must think beyond the barriers of organized religion. There is most likely more to god than the average view a person usually holds.

The universe must have been created by the same god that created man. If it were only man to be created by god, then who created the vast area outside of our world? It may be possible there is more than one god responsible for the creation of the universe and its contents. There may be in infinite number of sophisticated beings constantly guiding the evolution of our universe and possibly other universes. But where do these advanced creators themselves originate? To answer this question would require entrance into a realm beyond both space and time. The existence of time may simply be confined to the innards of our universe.

The creation of the universe, also known as the big bang, tends to be mostly regarded as a scientific theory. When considered from a philosophical point of view, it becomes a much deeper topic. The idea that god created the universe comes into mind. It may not be the same idea of god which brings most to church, though. There are so many different ideas of what god is and what god wants of people. The only god which really exists is the one who is responsible for universal creation. Aristotle makes a good relation to this in his principles arguing Ð''the Unmoved Mover'. He states "something cannot be the cause of itself" and "something cannot come from nothing". Aristotle's cosmological argument draws attention to the fact that something is behind the existence of the cosmos.

Countless religions have actually interpreted the Big Bang theory and accepted it as some part of creation, and then in turn part of the religion itself. This seems obviously necessary, since it is what created the cosmos in which we reside. Many scientists have researched the origin of the universe and come to the conclusion that it is not all that hard to "create" a universe. It might even be possible for someone in a semi-advanced civilization to craft one in a laboratory. This idea leads to the provocative thought that this is exactly the way our universe came into being. After all, The Big Bang consisted of mere hydrogen atoms. Could it be that our universe is the product of some sort of advanced science? This would mean that a highly sophisticated scientist would be man's creator and, if this were true, man's god. Is it possible that god exists in a realm where time and matter are non-existent and god actually conjured up the idea of matter and time? Thereafter, god created life that would use matter through time to grow and evolve.

One might say that everything which has a beginning also has a cause. This is also what the Kalam states and is the basis of Syllogism. Since the universe has a beginning, the universe must have a cause. God is said to be eternal and has no beginning, so does god have a cause? Well, since god created the universe, he created time and is therefore not bound to a time realm. Therefore, god would have no cause, since he has always existed. Despite this, one would presume that God has a cause. But god does not necessarily need to have a cause. Regardless of whether or not he has or needs a cause, one would tend to think that God does have a purpose. Wouldn't God get bored if he had no purpose? So maybe God has a purpose, but what is the purpose of the life he has created? Did God create life just because he was, in fact, bored? Maybe God is egotistic and wished to create a species which would worship him. It seems most likely that god created us for his pleasure. Colossians 1:16 reiterates this idea: "All things were created by Him and for Him."

Gunapala Dharmasiri that "We can argue that somehow Ð''beyond' or Ð''behind' the cosmos there exists a Being which explains the existence of the cosmos." Something cannot exist in a state of nothingness. The universe is not infinite, so what exists beyond the universe? The universe did not appear for no reason and did not create itself. St. Thomas Aquinas' Ð''The Five Ways' agrees with my point of a view to an extent. His fifth argument of the existence of god states "some intelligent being exists which gives natural things a purpose or design." It is also stated in the bible "God creates heaven and earth" and "forms the sun, moon and the stars," among others.

Many might ask the question, "if there is a god, then why is there evil



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