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Geoge Bush

Essay by   •  October 7, 2010  •  Essay  •  265 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,143 Views

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there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!there was this guy named george bush.. im only writing this so i can sign up and get my book report okay live with it!



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