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Xml Will Not Replace Hml

Essay by   •  February 3, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  804 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,185 Views

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New technology changes every day. First television was black and white now it is in color. Thus, we still need a screen to watch something; it hasn't been replaced. The storage media came in the "Magnetic floppy" but now it is replaced by an optical CD. Internet arrived and we had to plug it into the wall for reception. Now it is wireless with astonishing speed. HTML is here with the internet and there is thousands of pages that are using it. We can say html is changing with xml but we found that we will not be replaced. Both depend from each other and it will not disappear. Although it will not going to remain as a dominant technology.

The technology changes very fast but first we have to understand the basic functions of HTML and XML. The answer to these questions is that HTML and XML serve different functions: HTML tags describe how to translate things on the screen, while XML tags describe what things are. Put another way, HTML tags are designed for the interaction between humans and computers; XML tags are designed for the interaction between two computers.

Retrieved from ;( XML how will change the web January 10, 2007.)

A very good point in fact XML as a backbone for distributing data is something much larger than most folks are able to see. It's a pretty big picture to see all at once. The fact that there are nearly a 100 initiatives that are working to develop specs for different ways to utilize, exchange, and format XML data should be a good indicator of it's potential. As an example on how we can notice the differences between XML and HTML is as follows:

Example1: The HTML version of an address

Mrs. Mary McGoon

1401 Main Street

Any town, NC 34829

When this document is rendered in a browser, it looks something like this:Mrs. Mary McGoon

1401 Main Street

Any town, NC 34829

Anyone familiar with postal addresses in the United States will recognize this document as someone's address. Even if you're from another country where postal codes and other conventions are different, you can still surmise that this is someone's address. Imagine writing code to interpret this document. However, to extract the zip code from this address, our algorithm might look like this: Given a tag that contains two tags, take the text of the second tag. In that text, everything up to the comma is the name of the city, the two-character token following the comma is the name of the state, and the final token is the zip code.

While this algorithm would work for our sample HTML document, it's easy to think of a perfectly valid address that breaks our algorithm. We've also completely sidestepped the issue of distinguishing a tag that contains an address from any other tag. While the address formats beautifully in a browser, our HTML markup isn't nearly as well suited for use by another program.

Now let's take a look at an XML version of the same document in Listing 2.

Example 2. The XML



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