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The Story of an Hour

Essay by   •  September 26, 2010  •  Essay  •  393 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,062 Views

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The Story of an Hour.

Kate Chopin was a Victorian writer; whose writing manifests her life experiences. She was not happy with the principles of the time, because women had fewer rights, and they were not considered equal to men. Afraid of segregation from society, people lived in a hypocritical world full of lies; moreover, Kate Chopin was not afraid of segregation, and used her writing as a weapon against oppression of the soul. Marriage was an oppressor to Chopin, she had been a victim of this institution. Being a victim of marriage, Chopin's "Story of an Hour," is an expression of her believe that, marriage is an institution that oppresses, represses, and is a source of discontent among human beings.

Mrs. Mallard loved her husband.

She wept at once

This was her first response to the news of his death. She would not had grieved over someone she did not love. Even in the heat of her passion she thinks about her lost love.

She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death; the face that had never looked safe with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead.

Her love may not have been the greatest love of all time, but it was still love.

Marriage was not kind to Mrs. Mallard, her life was dull and not worth living, her face showed the years of repression. If she did love this man, why was marriage so harmful to her? Marriage was a prison for her

There would be no powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature.

Marriage oppressed her, she needed freedom, freedom to grow and do what she wanted to do, and marriage took that away from here. Chopin didn't believe that one person should take away another's freedom. Mrs. Mallard loved her husband at times, but she loved freedom more.

For the first time Mrs. Mallard, felt free since her marriage

free body and soul free

Chopin relates Mrs. Mallard's intese feeling of freedom to that of an orgasm. A great weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and the feeling was extacy. But like an orgasm it did not last long, the weight



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