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The Old Man and the Sea

Essay by   •  August 29, 2010  •  Essay  •  675 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,766 Views

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This book takes place in the past and is about an old man

that loves fishing in the Gulf Stream. The old man was a thin

with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck and had scars on

his hands from handling the fishing rope. He taught this young

boy how to fish and the boy loved him. He even brought him

fishing many times. But the past 84 days the old man had not

caught one fish. After 40 days of not catching anything the

boy left and fished on another boat. The boy still loved him

and brought him food and fresh bait to fish. The old man and

the boy always talked about baseball because they both

enjoyed it. One day, the old man was out on the water

fishing. The weather was beautiful, the currents were perfect,

and he saw all birds flying over the water. He knew he had

to catch a nice fish today. He saw one of his poles have a

jerk so he pulled it in and it was a bonita fish, which he was

goin to use for a nice piece of bait later in the day. The day

progressed and he saw a real big jerk on the pole. He

jumped up and held it, but the fish was not hooked yet. A

couple more jerks he felt, but the fish was not taking it.

Finally the fish did and he could feel that it had to be a fish of

enormous size. He could not pull it up because it was so

strong. He had to hold onto it until the fish was tired and

decided to come up. Then when it would come up, he would

take his harpoon and stab it in the heart so it would die. This

fish was taking all the strength out of him and it was pulling

his skiff farther and farther out. Now he wished that the boy

was here with him to help him pull it up. It was 3 days later

until he finally got the fish to jump out of the water. When it

did he saw that it was the biggest marlin he ever saw. To

regain strength and pull the fish in, he had to eat the bonita

that he caught. He ate all of it and it helped his hand that was

cut from the rope. The fish was now gettin tired and almost

by the boat. It started circling the boat and when it was close

enough, he stabbed it in the heart and killed it. He was so

amazed of the size of



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