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The Future of Reverse Logistics Competing with Waste

Essay by   •  October 23, 2018  •  Research Paper  •  7,162 Words (29 Pages)  •  875 Views

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  1. Table of Contents

1        Abstract        3

2        Background        4

2.1        Context        4

2.2        History of reverse logistics        4

2.2.1        1861 – 1865: reverse logistics makes an appearance in the American civil war        4

2.2.2        1872: Retail too becomes a driver of reverse logistics        5

2.2.3        1984: Product Recalls        5

2.2.4        1991 – 1996: increased oversight by government        5

2.2.5        Conclusion        6

3        Problem statement        7

4        Objective        7

5        Research questions        7

6        The significance on the study        7

7        Literature review        8

8        Methodology        11

9        Introduction        12

10        Lithium Battery Recycling        13

10.1        recycling challenge        13

10.2        Lithium Supply and Challenges        13

10.3        Need for recycling        13

10.4        Recycling challenges        14

10.5        Discussion        15

11        The Role of Reverse Logistics in Recycling of Wood Products        16

11.1        Government legislation        16

11.2        A model of RL for wood recovery        18

11.2.1        Model description        18

11.3        Discussion        19

12        Findings        20

13        Conclusion        22

14        Reference List        23

  1. Abstract

Due to environmental, legal, societal and economic factors, terms such as closed loop logistics, green supply chain and reverse logistics (RL) have attracted a lot of attention among businesses as well as academics. This attention is due to the environmental impact logistical networks pose and as a result turning waste into energy has been a driving force in the effort to preserve the environment and recapture value at the end of the supply chain by closing the loop. This paper aims to provide a qualitative analysis that conveys the advantages as well as the challenges associated with reverse logistics and what role cost, availability, governmental legislation as well as competition plays in affecting the success of reverse logistics. The analysis is done by highlighting the key characteristics of two cases of reverse logistics one involving lithium battery recycling and another following wood recycling, these cases allow for in-depth exploration of

  1. Background

  1. Context

RL has gained significant traction in recent is because of the unique opportunity it provides businesses, government, and the general public to pursue a common mutually beneficial goal. RL is for all operations related to the reuse of products and materials. Is the process of moving goods from their typical Final Destination for the purpose of capturing value, or proper disposal?

RL has allowed for a positive light to be shed on recycling in the past recycling was viewed as a burden by companies forced onto them by governmental legislation. However, the dawn of RL has conveyed a new means of competition, which will enable companies who execute correctly a unique competitive edge. With the dawn of home deliveries, returns have become all the more prevalent and as such it’s become necessary for electronic commerce companies to maintain a logistical network that supports returns.

  1. History of reverse logistics

  1. 1861 – 1865: reverse logistics makes an appearance in the American civil war

RL finds its roots in the military stemming from the American civil war, naturally, there is other literature preceding its use in the military, however, these were not systematically recorded or widely recognized due to their lack of verifiability and validity. At the end of the American civil war around 1865, General William T. Sherman recognized that the success of his army’s campaign would be highly dependent on supply and mobility and that his operations carried out in hostile territories would be arduous. He was faced with the complex task of supplying his soldiers while on the march(Robinson 2014 ).



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