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Team Captain Usa

Essay by   •  February 22, 2011  •  Essay  •  388 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,145 Views

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Team Member United States, World Team, Human Species Continuity

In the process of selection of the greatest team member I believe that you have to step outside of the sports arena to see the most likely selection.

Our country has long since learned that you have to step outside of the confines of isolationism to support the goals of the human race to insure the overall survival of the species. In dealing with the World Team, all aspects of conflict resolution have been exercised in an attempt to allow the individual teams (sovereign nations) the ability to work within the confines of their beliefs and customs developed through their own unique experiences. Proof of this is the fact that "74 percent of U.S. foreign aid recipients voted against the United States a majority of the time. This was up from 68 percent in 1996 and 64 percent in 1995. Thus, nearly three out of every four foreign aid recipients vote against the United States in the U.N. most of the time". (Brian T Johnson. U.S Foreign Aid and United Nations Voting Records. Research Trade and Foreign Aid Backgrounder #1186: June 12 1998)

Since its inception as a true world power, the United States has been an intricate player in balancing world power based on regional stability to achieve the goals of peace, relief of starvation, combating tyranny, curing disease and the promotion of human rights, by leading by example.

The United States has been a star player in efforts to develop world organizations including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949-present, the League of Nations 1919-1945, the United Nations (UN) 1945-present, and the World Health Organization (WHO) April 7, 1948-present, all in an effort to attain the identified goals. The obvious reasons for the creation of these organizations are to unify the voices of the world in agreement for the best interests of humanity.

The United States of America has shown true world leadership in the world arena, by utilizing its power not as a tyrannical bully, but a team captain, capably utilizing team resources to bring out the best in the individual team members for success of the team.

Brian T Johnson. U.S Foreign Aid and United Nations Voting Records. Research Trade and Foreign Aid Backgrounder #1186: June 12 1998)



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