Strategic Management Is the Set of Decisions and Actions That Result in the Design and Activation of Strategies to Achieve the Objectives of an Organization
Essay by LaMonica42 • September 25, 2015 • Research Paper • 690 Words (3 Pages) • 1,406 Views
Essay Preview: Strategic Management Is the Set of Decisions and Actions That Result in the Design and Activation of Strategies to Achieve the Objectives of an Organization
Research Proposal
La Monica Austin
Instructor: Jeanette Selby-Lucas
September 23, 2015
Research Proposal
According to Pearce II & Robinson, Jr., 2011, p. 1. “Strategic management is the set of decisions and actions that result in the design and activation of strategies to achieve the objectives of an organization.” Strategic management necessitates a strategic design and a strategic design necessitates exploration into the establishment’s vision, mission and value statements in addition to an internal and external examination of the business.
The business selected for the strategic plan is Avon Products Inc. Avon was established in1886 and is a well-recognized establishment that sells beauty products, jewelry, clothes, and household items. Avon’s presence is in more than 100 countries. In 2012 Avon’s revenue was over $11 billion. The company has received awards and acknowledgement from different countries and establishments during the course of the years in the significant areas of liberation, philanthropy, and sustainability (, n.d., 2015).
As stated on the Avon website (, 2015), the vision Avon has is to be the establishment that best apprehends and gratifies the merchandise, service and self-fulfillment desires of women—globally. Avon’s mission statement concentrates on six essential ambitions that they are recurrently determined to attain. The six essential ambitions are: to become a leader in worldwide beauty, women’s option for purchasing by existing as the best shopping destination, primary direct selling establishment, utmost respected establishment, finest location to work, and to have the leading foundation devoted to women’s causes (, n.d., 2015).
Validating the Organizational Vision, Mission, and Values Statements
Mission and vision statements are reports that visibly outline the way and determination of the business. It is imperative to be very clear when describing an establishment’s mission and vision statements since it sanctions the employees, consumers and stakeholders to apprehend the goals of what the business plans to be and in what ways it plans to achieve that goal.
Validating a vision and mission statement requires an analysis of how an organization performs daily operations, how everything they do relates back to its core values and if it strives to fulfill its mission. When trying to validate an organizations vision and mission statements it is important to compare how an organization is perceived by outside sources. Does the perception match how it wants to be perceived? Does the organization follow through with its mission statement? How does the vision of the organization compare to the actions it is taking?
Internal and External Environmental Analysis
To reply to the above questions individuals needs to implement an internal and external environmental examination of the business. Intended for an internal examination the establishment explores the amount and superiority of the establishment’s financial, human, and physical assets. It correspondingly measures the strengths and weaknesses of the business’s management and organizational arrangement. Lastly, it compares the establishment’s preceding accomplishments and customary apprehensions with the establishment’s present competences in effort to categorize the business’s imminent competences. In reference to an external environment, an organization’s external environment entails every ailment and dynamism that have emotional impact on its tactical preferences and outline its competitive condition. The strategic management model displays the external environment as three collaborating parts: the remote, industry, and operating environments. ” (Pearce II & Robinson, Jr., 2011, p. 13). Together the internal and external environmental examination necessitates precise data about the establishment’s arrangement, financials, human and physical assets along with contender information. Most of this information can be found on, as well as These sites will help with obtaining information to execute an internal examination of the establishment. To perform an external analysis individuals need to look at opponents such as Mary Kay, L’Oréal, and Revlon to understand how Avon equates.