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Story of My Life

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Story of My Life

If had to describe my life in one word it would be amazing. My life is amazing because I have the most loving and caring family I could ask for. I have 5 brother and sisters. I fight with them but at the end we make-up and I still love them. My family is never boring. We always keep my mom on her toes all day. My mom has always said this when we do sports or something" quitters never win and winners never quit." When I was a child I was very independent and for some reason I loved to bite people. I wouldn't have asked for a better family then I have now.

I am adopted so there isn't really much that remember about my birth. All I know is that I was born on December 22, 1997 in Roswell GA. My early childhood was pretty amazing. I started pre-school at first Baptist church in Douglasville. I had a lot of friends that I knew in pre-school. I remember my brother pushing me off the chairs downstairs and had to get staples in the back of my head. When we would go to recess or play in gym I would have to stay in the classroom in till my staples come out. While I was in preschool I did gymnastic that was my favorite and funniest sport ever. After preschool I went to South Douglas Elementary school. That was my favorite school because of the great staff that I had. I had the best teachers in world. First through third grade were the easy years. But when I hit fourth and fifth grade it got harder and the teachers got meaner. I hated this one teacher he gave us tons of homework. He just didn't like me I don't know why, but I just had to put up with him for the year. In my early childhood years I remember having to get braces in third grade. I went school the next day and everybody was calling me brace face. I did not like to be called that. Then fifth grade I had to glasses. I couldn't see the board so to add onto to being called brace face I was also getting called four eyes. I didn't care because I was more mature I didn't care if people talk about me. Elementary school came to an end and all of my friends were moving to different schools. The last day of school that year was really difficult and sad. We had to say goodbye to all of the wonderful teachers that we had.

As we said goodbye to fifth grade and all the great memories that we had we said hello to middle school. Middle school was harder and the teachers expecte a lot more from you. I went to fairplay middle school. I was there for one year. During that one year I made a lot of good memories and lost some of my friends that I had in elementary school. A lot of my friends went to the new school that was built so I didn't get to see them as much as I wanted to. Middle school gave me a chance to find who was and who my real friends were. I loved middle school and all of the teachers that were there. The only teacher that I disliked was Mrs.Jochum. She was my middle school math teacher she didn't like me because never did my work in that class. I had some great memories like this one time I was sitting in my desk talking to my best friend and I just fell over out of nowhere. Sixth grade was over and I was moving to a brand new school. The school that I moved to was called Heirway Christian academy. The first day that I walked into the school was my seventh grade year. I did not know anybody who went to that school beside my older sister Brittni. She was senior that year and she helped around the school and all that. I remember walking into the first day and everybody was like family to each other. I had to figure out where I belonged but other than that it was a good school. I believe that was the best decision my parent made was moving me to that school. I finished my middle school years at that school with amazing friend. During my middle school years I was on a competitive cheer team. The cheer team that I was on was called sapphire and we had super long practices. I loved cheering with them for two years in row but my last year that I cheered with Douglasville cheer stars was hard and wanted to quit at the end of the season. My life lesson was to never give up because of my experience on the cheer



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