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Sports, Politics, and Advancements in Science in 1979

Essay by   •  October 31, 2010  •  Essay  •  959 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,590 Views

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Sports, Politics, and Advancements in Science in 1979

The year 1979 was an important year for many reasons. One

reason was because of the world of sports. This helped keep the world

entertained during the year 1979. Another important area in 1979 was

the area of politics. This area caused both happiness and grief,

especially in the United States. The third area that was influential in

1979 was the area of science. There were many important advancements

and discoveries in the science field during 1979. The year 1979 was

important because of sports, politics, and the advancements in science.

Sports are very influential in American society. The World Series

of 1979 is no exception. The World Series hosted the Pittsburgh Pirates

and the Baltimore Orioles. The Pirates won the first game while

Baltimore bounced back to take the next two games in convincing

fashion (Ivor-Campbell). Down three games to one, the Pirates

rebounded in Game Five (Ivor Campbell). The Pirates took advantage of

their momentum and held on to stage an amazing comeback and win the

World Series of 1979.

The World Series is not the only important sports event. The Super

Bowl is an event watched by millions. Super Bowl thirteen was the

Super Bowl played in the year 1979. The game was played between the

Steelers and the Cowboys. Terry Bradshaw threw a record 4 touchdown

passes to lead the Steelers to the victory (NFL Record and Fact Book).

The Steelers became the first team to win three Super Bowls. The

Steelers scored seven points in the first, fourteen points in the second,

no points in the third, and fourteen points in the fourth quarter to seal

the victory over the Dallas Cowboys (NFL Record and Fact Book).

Politics was also an important factor in the year 1979. The

President of the United States in 1979 was Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter

was a major influence in the United States. Jimmy Carter proved to be

an able negotiator (Microsoft). Carter helped develop the framework for

the Camp David Accords. Carter's relationship with the Congress,

however, was often strained. Many members of Congress did not feel

that he was a capable President. Some felt Carter was aloof and clumsy

at political dealing. Carter eventually won congressional approval of a

program to decrease U.S. dependence on imported oil by encouraging

alternative sources of energy and deregulating the price of oil and

natural gas produced in the United States. This program, however,

caused a rise in inflation which now reached its highest point since the

end of World War II in 1945 (Microsoft). President Carter's problems

were not all business, however. Personal problems also plagued the

Carter administration (Microsoft). A medical-policy advisor left in the

wake of a minor drug scandal. Carter's brother, Billy, received at least

$220,000 from Libya, either as a loan or for services never revealed.

The advancements in science were very influential in the year

1979. The year 1979 saw many changes in science. One was the

launching of the Viking I. The Viking I was an experimental space craft

sent to Mars. The Viking I showed that there are long-term climate

changes (Science). A long-term trend in daily mean pressure was also

seen. A third-order polynomial fit to the data shows that mean pressure

fell slowly at the beginning of the period and rose at the end. This time

corresponds to the annual deep minimum in the seasonal pressure cycle

associated with condensation and sublimation in the polar regions of

Mars (Science). The Viking I spacecraft gave the scientist a more

accurate view of what Mars is like. The pressure sensor detected a

variety of pressure variations on relatively short time scales (Science).

These scale ranged from seconds to hours. The shorter time-scale



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