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Socail Responsibilities of McDonalds

Essay by   •  February 28, 2011  •  Essay  •  284 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,305 Views

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Founded in 1954 McDonald , now a multi billion dollar company is not only recognized for being fast, affordable and delicious but also for its contributions to the community. Their biggest proceeds go towards The Ronald McDonald House Charity. RMHC is a non-profit organization completely owned by McDonald Corporation. The purpose of the organization is to help families in financial need. RMHC provides room for the families of hospitalized children. So they are able to stay close to their children during their hospital stay. Without the help provided by RMHC, these families oftentimes could not afford to provide the support needed, to their kids. A truly commendable cause.

McDonald support programs that benefit children and families, through fund rasing and charities for instance World Children's Day at McDonald. This fundraiser benefits RMHC chapters and other programs for children. They also contribute to women health care, all proceeds during Mothers Day go towards sponsoring the Women Owners Network(WON), which supports breast cancer work in the West. Another program sponsored by McDonald is The Make Activities Count (MAC), which provides grants to school teachers to support hands on programs that enhance student learning experience.

Being apart of so many charities and programs help project a positive image on to the community, which enhances McDonald public image. take a look at why a business like McDonald might get behind such a cause. Clearly, because helping children is an honorable and worthy cause. Nevertheless, it also provides good publicity for McDonald. Due to the fact that this publicity is worth millions to McDonald, and it is money that will go directly into the pockets of McDonald shareholders. The millions spent are the result of the support of RMHC.



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