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Sino-Us Infectious Disease Prevention Comparison

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Sino-U.S. infectious disease prevention comparison

MOH0917         Tianhui Zhang       Email:

What China is adopting is the emergency response system for emergencies at the central and provincial levels. The "Regulations" stipulates that after an incident may affect the whole country or across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, it is necessary to promptly launch a contingency plan for emergencies throughout the country, that is, it shall be formulated by the Ministry of Health. For example, after the National Ministry of Health receives a report of an outbreak or epidemic outbreak of an infectious disease, it also organizes experts to conduct research and analysis of emergencies while taking preventive and control measures. If the analysts believe that there is a possibility of further development and spread of emergencies, and the State Council shall jointly lead the relevant departments to work together, the Ministry of Health shall propose the emergency plan for the initiation of infectious diseases and submit it to the State Council for approval. The State Council immediately set up a national emergency response emergency handling headquarters to be responsible for the unified command of emergency handling throughout the country. The nationwide emergency response headquarters shall be composed of relevant departments of the State Council and relevant military departments that may be involved in emergencies. The leadership of the State Council is designated as the general commander, but the command is a "wartime" emergency, temporary organization that does not exist at ordinary times. The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate contingency plans for emergencies in their respective administrative regions. When an emergency occurs within the jurisdiction of a province, the people’s governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall set up emergency handling headquarters for local emergencies. In order to ensure the authority of the general commander, the main leaders of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall serve as general commanders. Local health administrative departments at or above the county level are specifically responsible for organizing the investigation, control, and medical treatment of emergencies.

The United States has always grasped the principle of "preventing the spread of infectious diseases first and then finding out the cause" for emergency management of infectious diseases. The corresponding management and security system is: First, the Minister of Health and Human Services submits an emergency disease assessment report, which includes the discovery, development and impact of the disease; then, the vice president holds an inter-departmental National Health Council.

Conference, study this report, and propose countermeasures to the president, especially the definition of whether the disease belongs to infectious diseases; after consulting the general medical officer, the president authorized according to law, decided to issue the corresponding presidential executive order, the general medical officer according to the administration of the president Order to authorize the issuance and implementation of regulations and regulations for the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases, the Department of Health and Human Services took the lead, multi-sectoral division of labor to implement regulations for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide specific management and technical measures and information, each Stage work is up to the president’s responsibility system.

Compared with the United States, after major public health incidents occurred in China, they were initially handled by medical and disease control agencies. It was only when the incident was difficult to control that the government directly came forward to set up a temporary headquarters, and at that time the incidents had often developed to serious the point. Therefore, the lack of command is an important issue in the response process of our country's emergencies.

The main force in China's response to the disease is the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, China’s CDC was established in January 2002. Its predecessor was mainly a scientific research institution. After the transformation, the functions of monitoring, information, emergency response, and disease prevention and control were still under construction and improvement. Epidemiological hardware and software were both Still lacking.

At a time when the incidence of infectious diseases in China is high, specialized hospitals for infectious diseases are set up in all regions for special treatment of infectious diseases. However, with the improvement of people’s living standards and the improvement of overall health conditions in China and the transformation of disease patterns, the incidence of communicable diseases has fallen significantly over the years. Some communicable diseases hospitals have problems with insufficient business and operating difficulties.



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