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Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock

Essay by   •  December 30, 2010  •  Essay  •  569 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,466 Views

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Psycho was directed in 1960 by Alfred Hitchcock and is now known best for its different uses of media in the film. The move is in black and white, and it appears that the reason for this is to not draw attention away from the focal point of the scenes, causing less visual distraction. Alfred Hitchcock uses black and white as a way to tame violence in a way that the audience will not be robbed of the experience. With limited violence, it forces the viewer to think for themselves and use their imagination.

One of the main scenes in "Psycho" is the shower scene. Alfred Hitchcock makes us think that Norman Bates is an uninteresting character because by the time Norman comes about the audience is too caught up in Marion's dilemma. Once the shower scene takes place, the films point of view changes and forces the viewer to realize that the story they are watching is about the Bates character, and not Marion.

A particular scene with great camera views and audio is the scene where Lily sneaks into Norman's house. The tension starts as Lily walks up the hill. Hitchcock uses all range cameras as well as sound and light tricks to create an impression of oncoming danger. The tension increases as the distance between Lily and the house become shorter. Lily's face is extremely bright in contrast to the house. Hitchcock's use of camera angles gives off even more suspense. The scenes wide angled shots make the house look even more frightening. The audience starts to see the scene in Lily's point of view. As we "become" Lily, we cannot see what is behind us, making the audience even more anxious as if saying "Turn around and make sure you are safe."

As Lily approaches the house, the music works along with the scene creating even more tension. It gives the audience a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Because there is no dialogue, we depend on clues that come from sound, images, light, and of course the viewer's imagination. As Lily opens the door, the music becomes very high pitched, created tension, and then goes right back down, sort of giving a relief. An important symbol in this scene is that Norman's doors creak as they open, making it feel as if it is haunted. The audience suspects that it is the mother who is the "Psycho" but we find out that the mother has been dead for 10 years. As Lily is in the mother's room, her eyes meet with a mirror, and the



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