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Power Crisis in Bangladesh

Essay by   •  July 26, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,078 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,107 Views

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1. Gentlemen, Most of the Arab countries are heavily equipped with imbalance military hardware. Almost all the Arab countries spend their petro-dollar for acquisition of sophisticated and high value military equipment. It has proved in the recent past that they could not effectively utilized these large inventory due to lack of technical know how and proper planning.

2. The Arab countries import this military equipment mostly from USA and EEC. Their acquisition ranges from super sonic aircraft like F-16 ac to modern air defence SAM. But all the countries are dependent on western experts for operational use of these items. On the contrary Israel is the only country in the region that has sufficient scientific and professional expert along with nuclear power of having 200 warheads intheir inventory . The Israel manufactures most advance aircraft like Kafilov, AD weapons etc. They export military hardware to Sri Lanka, India, USA and some other countries. It is believed that Israel has nuclear potentiality in their arsenal. In fact Israel maintains total supremacy in the region. Recently Iran is also having a drive in uranium enrichment program.

Conflict in The Region

3. Gentleman, if we look back we will see a long and bloodstained story of wars and invasions which have afflicted the region. We will not go into deep. We will discuss the wars fought by Arabs and the Israelis and few other wars in the recent past.

4. Origins Of The Arab-Jewish Conflict In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the Zionist Movement gained strength in Europe, and large numbers of Jews immigrated and settled in Palestine. Their success furthered the world debate about whether and how to establish a Jewish homeland, and it also created apprehension among Arabs. Initially, Britain took several steps to aid the Arab side. For example, before World War II (1939-1945) the British did not allow large numbers of Jews to come to Palestine from Europe. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations passed resolution 181, which called for a partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. On May 14, 1948, the British mandate was terminated and at midnight the Jewish state of Israel declared its independence. The new state came under immediate attack from the Palestinian population and Arabs of the surrounding countries, including Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.

5. The Arab Israel War of 1948-1949 The Arabs were determined to resist the partition of their country. Military hostilities commenced between Israel and its four neighboring Arab states, namely, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. The Arab forces expected an easy victory over the small and isolated Jewish state, but despite heavy casualties Israel won. Israel also increased the land under its control far beyond what it had been given by the partition plan. The Arabs, on their part, were left with one-fifth of the original territory of their country. Not only did the Palestine war of 1948 settle none of the basic issues of the Palestine Question, it created a new one: the tragedy of the Palestine refugees.

6. The Six Days War In 1967 Egypt, Syria, and Jordan gathered their armies on Israel's borders, and several Arab states called for war. Assuming the Arabs would attack, Israel struck first, on 5th June 1967, and caught the Arabs by surprise. In the Six-Day War that followed, Israel demolished the armies and air forces of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. It also gained control of the West Bank, the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights region of southwestern Syria, and all of Jerusalem. A second wave of Palestinian refugees fled the fighting, worsening the problem created by the first exodus in 1948.

7. The 1973 War Egyptian president Anwar Sadat reconstructed the Egyptian army in the early 1970s. Syria also prepared for war and received weapons from the then USSR. Israel,



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