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Mp3: A Boundary or Bridge?

Essay by   •  August 24, 2010  •  Essay  •  867 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,608 Views

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This is a revised version of MP3. Theoriginal Sucked ass so I took some liberties with it so as not to get an F. This one should be much better......

Mp3: A Boundary or a Bridge?

One of the newest, most exciting and innovative ways to get music these days is not in the mall and not at a huge mega-sized electronic store, it's not even by a mail order CD club. It's the computer. It sits conveniently on a desk and now allows access to every imaginable genre of music, twenty-four hours a day, rain or shine, snow or sleet, in the comfort of your own home. Technology is changing the way we listen to music. Now downloading a Mp3 from the Internet is a lot easier than going to the store and buying an overpriced CD. A near CD quality digital recording of music, Mp3s are digital computer files compressed to make them readily available over the Internet. It seems the high prices, new technology, and availability are causing most music lovers to turn to this new form of music media to combat their expensive addiction to compact discs. It has become so simple to search out and download music that more and more people are finding it favorable to just copy their music to a recordable CD (CD-R). That would mean people could, from their own home, create illegal copies of the copyrighted material at or near industrial compact disc quality. Further adding to consumer accessibility, manufacturers now produce portable MP3 players , so now the need to buy CD-R's is eliminated and you can just download it to the player and store the music digitally. Being so convenient, accessible, and relatively safe, Mp3 is bound to explode in more ways than it already has.

What most people don't realize is that the reproduction of a musical work, distribution of copies of a musical piece, and the public performance of the work without the copyright owner's consent are all violations of copyright laws. However, they do know that getting caught is very unlikely. Catching people who violate copyright laws is difficult unless they are participating in the large digital distribution of the music. We must ask if it is the web site promoting the pirated music or if it is the specific user who downloads it?

Robinson 2

The reason I bring this up is because this could be the biggest thing to happen to music since the record. With Mp3's come probably thousands of artists that no longer have to wait for an agent, scout or label to pick them up. Through the Internet they will be able run their own label and no longer need the support of a big record company to distribute their music. Thousands if not millions of artists on the net, (including my own band Nowhere Fast @ are already doing this. Some even have clubs online where you pay a fee to get in much like a cover at a bar and you get to hear the music of all the bands that are playing at that club



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