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Mood & Mental Health

Essay by   •  November 24, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  2,961 Words (12 Pages)  •  2,951 Views

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Three of the major challenges to our mental health today are stress, anxiety and depression. Fortunately, there are many simple steps we can take in our daily lives to regain a sense of balance, feel better about ourselves, and live calmer, more satisfying lives.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder



We all experience stressors at many points throughout our lives. It's practically unavoidable. What we can control is how we react to them. Stress can best be defined as an individual's mental and physiological response to a particular event, behavior, place or person. While it isn't always easy to find effective ways to manage the daily stressors we face it is important to try to find healthy ways to manage stress. When we cannot, we often feel its damaging impact through anger, depression and a multitude of health problems.

Here are some facts about how stress impacts our lives:

Stress has been linked to all the leading causes of death, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, accidents and suicide.

Almost 90 percent of all visits to primary health care providers are due to stress-related problems.

Nearly one-half of all adults suffer adverse effects from stress.

It is estimated that 1 million Americans miss work due to stress-related complaints.

Workplace violence has been attributed to stress. Homicide is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injury.

There are some situations that inherently rate high on the stress scale: divorce, death of a child or spouse, illness, a move or a change of job. But each of us has the ability to manage most stressful situations by altering the way we respond to them. It is impossible to manage or control all the people, events and places in our lives that place demands on us, and any attempt to do so causes our stress level to go up. We would be better off learning to accept those situations we can not change and to manage how we deal with stress by understanding the phenomenon of "being stressed."

Stress is classified into two types - acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term). People experience acute stress when they are dealing with a dangerous or life threatening situation. Because these circumstances were common in our evolutionary past, humans have a built-in mechanism that is commonly referred to as the "fight or flight" response, so named because of the way our bodies react to such an event. Immediate physiological responses, mediated by the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, prepare the body for this "fight or flight" response by increasing blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. In fact, blood flow can increase 300 to 400 percent in order to prepare the legs, brain and lungs for the added demands of either fighting off a physical threat, or running to safety. Conversely, other major body systems such as the digestive tract are shut down short-term, as they are considered non-essential during a stressful event. These physical changes were vital for survival in prehistoric times, and this response can still be important today when we are in a dangerous situation or even during an athletic event or a competition where a "revved up" system can enhance the way we perform. The problem, however, is that this system now operates inappropriately in our modern world. Although heavy traffic, work deadlines and credit card statements are not life threatening, the system is activated by our response to them, often many times throughout the day. This is chronic stress, and over time the repetition of the "fight or flight" response, designed to allow us to survive occasional real threats, begins to alter our everyday physiology and health.

Some physical consequences of chronic stress:

Heart Disease. Sudden changes in heart rate and increased demands on the cardiovascular system can precipitate angina even increase one's risk for a fatal heart attack. Repetitive increases in blood pressure can damage the inner lining of the artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis.

Stroke. Prolonged or frequent episodes of stress can gradually worsen high blood pressure, affecting the cardiovascular system and the arteries that lead to the brain, thus increasing the risk of stroke.

Depressed Immune System. Prolonged exposure to stress can blunt the immune system response, increasing the risk for colds and more serious infections.

Weight and Body-Fat Changes. Chronic stress can cause either a loss in appetite and weight loss or an increase in cravings for fat, sugar and salt, which leads to weight gain. A recent study suggested that chronic stress can cause abdominal fat accumulation in otherwise thin women. The researchers attributed this fat accumulation to an increased secretion of the hormone cortisol, which is released during stress - some release more cortisol than others. Central distribution of fat increases one's risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Insomnia. Chronic stress makes it difficult for people to get a restful night's sleep, which interferes with the body's mechanisms for recovering and repairing itself. A lack of sleep can also worsen psychological stress and prevent one from recognizing problems and dealing with them rationally.

Migraines. Studies have suggested that migraine attacks occur more frequently when one is under increased levels of stress.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) . A strong correlation has been associated between stress and IBS.

Not all stress is bad, however, and stressful challenges are necessary to become stronger both physically and mentally. The positive effects of overcoming stress can include:

Increased energy and motivation

Increased self-confidence

Increased drive and productivity

Enhanced work performance

A feeling of excitement and a sense of purpose and challenge

Use these steps to help manage your stress more effectively.

Determine what is causing stress in your life. There



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