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Human Cloning: The Negative Effects on Society

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Human Cloning: The Negative Effects on Society

Human cloning is possible but also dangerous to society. One day during an assembly in March 1977, a heated debate began over the topic of human cloning. Both sides were getting very involved in the argument. Suddenly a group of protestors stormed the stage. They were protesting human cloning while chanting, "We shall not be cloned!" During the protest the group held up a sign that said: "We will create the perfect race - Adolf Hitler" (Lester and Hefley 55). The group was right in protesting, human cloning will negatively affect society.

The background of human cloning goes back many years. First, people tried to just clone plants. Once that was accomplished scientist started to clone small animals such as rodents and insects. The first cloned animal was a mouse. The scientist took the egg of a white mouse and joined it with the sperm of a black mouse and then put the egg into the womb of a brown mouse. This was a breakthrough in the advancement of cloning. Scientist kept experimenting and eventually were coming up with new ways to clone and also cloning different types of animals.

The political background of human cloning is intriguing. Heated debates have taken place over the time. Politicians and even regular people have argued whether we should or should not clone human beings. Often times these debates will go on for hours on end. There are good points to both sides of the story but more often than not the people on the side of banning human cloning win. George Bush, along with many other political leaders is against the cloning of humans. They have even banned it in the United States of America.

The disadvantages to human cloning are certainly clear. Not to mention that the number of disadvantages far out numbers the advantages. One of the most noticeable is that the cloned child will have the parent clone's medical history. This means that if the parent were to have a heart attack at the age of thirty-six the child would also have a heart attack at the roughly the same age. "A clone will be genetically and therefore physically identical to the donor of the original chromosomes (Dowswell 51)".One question that is often brought up is if the clones will be able to think on their own. Many people have written books on this. Many scientists believe that the clone will have an unnatural way of thinking. Clone will not be able to live right and think on their own (Lane and Hefley 65). They also feel that clones will just be used for manual labor and uncloned humans will be worthless.

Religion is also another major shortcoming in the study of human cloning. Philosophers wonder if the cloned human will have a soul. Again, many scientist believe the answer to this is no. Clones will mimic their parent's decisions and ideas. This will create mass confusion among people because they will be similar. One of the disadvantages that frighten most people is that you will be able to be cloned with out knowing. If you were to drop one strand of hair and someone were to pick it up, that strand carries enough DNA to make as many clones the person sees fit. If humans were to be cloned the technology of human cloning will considerably advance and it would become easy to make copies of any human. This technology would also greatly affect society by increasing the population. In China the government has put a cap on the amount of children per family. If cloning were to exist, then Earth's population would grow even more. To recap, there are several disadvantages to human cloning. Just a few of them are health history, not being able to think, having no religion or soul and the ability to be cloned with out your knowledge.

There are only a few known advantages to the cloning of humans. The first advantage is being able to clone a dead child. This could help parents in mourning. Also, if a child was to die due to unnatural causes and the parent could not give birth to another child then the one that died could be cloned and would be identical in every way to the deceased child. The awful part about this is that parents could also create a child that will turn out to be bad. Another benefit to being able to clone would be for spare organs. If a person were to have a bad heart then he would theoretically be able to go to the "heart bank" and get a replacement. While this may look like a great idea in the eyes of simple minded people, many find this as a way to just create worthless humans and farm them off for their organs. This would cause great commotion in society because the majority of our population believes that God had created man and only God can create man. People feel that if man were to start to create other humans then according to God, we will all be sent to hell for eternal damnation. The last advantage to human cloning would be that parents could choose the sex of their child. This would help in the countries where families only get one chance to have a child and that they would need a boy to work for them. Or a family of royalty would like a son to keep their family's name as the rulers of their country. This also presents a major conflict. Many poor families would choose to have male children. If all the children become men, then the female population



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