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How Borderless Country Impact Political Sector

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How Borderless Country Impact Political Sector

Globalization is a process of the world community that knows no boundaries and linking people in a country with people in other countries around the world. Globalization has a significant impact on people's lives. Globalization has eliminated distance as there is. And also allows individuals and organizations in their communication and interaction. With globalization, people are no longer integrated in class differences. Globalization managed to eliminate restrictions that exist in the global community. On the other hand, globalization actually participate lowered sovereignty that exist in every country.

The influence of globalization on national cultures covering various sectors such as the cultural life in the political, economic, ideological, social and others quickly or slowly. In the political field, which supported the ideology of globalization and liberalism demokasi slowly eroding cultural values ​​in the noble ideology of Pancasila. Globalization should be recognized potential to change many aspects of life, from the constitutional system, family relationships, political mechanisms, forms of communication and social interaction to change the lifestyle of every individual. Because politics begins to go hand in hand with changes in social, political, and political organizations and the need to once monitor the impact and influence of globalization on political life.

With the inclusion of the political values of the west either directly or indirectly inspired the onset of protests, demonstrations increasingly bold and sometimes ignoring the public interest. This can enable the development of liberalism, the change of the constitutional system, the existence of an international conspiracy, meaning power struggle and international political arena always lead to collusion. In this globalization era, Indonesia after spreading the political values of the west entrance directly or indirectly make the erosion of political values are based on the spirit of brotherhood, consensus agreement. Globalization is able to convince the people of Indonesia that liberalism can bring progress and prosperity. So that it is possible to change the direction of the Pancasila ideology to Liberalism. If it happens as a result a sense of nationalism will be lost.

Definition of a "world without borders" and political "deterritorialization" seen as a signal of a new world order in which the territorial component in world affairs is much reduced significantly. This raises questions about the function and role of the region as part of a change in the political map of the world. Based on the source, three-dimensional deterritorialization overcome territorial behavior that continues to be of major significance in an effort to understand the role of the border region and in the contemporary world. The first is the scale of priorities which the political organization of space is not limited to the notion of the state, but equally, mussssngkin even more importantly, the impact on the local and micro-level behavior and everyday practice.

The second is through the analysis of intangible and symbolic dimensions of the area then it can move away from the exclusive concern with the tangible and concrete dimensions of territory, such as size, shape and proximity to neighboring States, in an attempt to Broaden the discussion on territorial conflict. Region is an important component of our personal, group and national identity, not only because the territory we are limited by the limits fixed but because the area has a symbolic dimension that determines attachment and affiliation to a particular space and place. Third, any discussion of territory must, by association, be concerned with the role of borders and boundaries as the essential demarcators of territorial compartmentalization.

Williams (2004; 2005) argues that “globalization-related ideas, such as "supraterritoriality" and "globality" challenging the state-centist discourse in International Relations.”[1] Because I think the need for agenda and joint problems among countries of the world narrowed to the idea to form an international organization. The consensus of the international organization is bringing the collective consciousness of some countries of the problems it faces. In the end, a network of organizations and international relations is easier to use than on a diplomatic power capabilities between countries. With the intervention of the international community and the inclusion of cultural values ​​that the new from the outside world to give political change in a country field. And increasing the political values ​​of the individual, the group, the dictator of the majority, ethnic and religious forums and organizations. State sovereignty is also the idea of ​​the transformation process forms countries in the world. This idea started from non-political level, relations between peoples until the need for mengeksiskan resources in a country and the possibility of change of the concept of governance.

At the source does not support the notion of deterritorialization in the sense that there can not be any form of political power or social control the roomates is totally divorced from some form of territorial compartmentalization. I agree because deterritorialization can be interpreted as changes in the geography of a country, it does not mean reduced geographical area or tertitorial a specific country or region, but deterritorialization as if to make the world become narrow due to the rapid advancement of communication. With the support of information and communication technology, globalization can be penetrated all sectors of life and give a significant influence on the world social order.

Territory, in its classic geographical sense, is Generally perceived as being the static outcome of the political process. Borders are demarcated, territory is allocated between groups or nations, and cartographers create the fixed images of the territorial configuration of the State at a given point in time. Territory is perceived as a non-changing element or, at the most, an element of the which undergoes modifications in shape or size as a result of wars, accretions, cessions or even Earthquakes. In its most traditional sense, the physical attributes of territory have formed a deterministic frame for decision making. Territory is dynamic in the sense that the territorial change creates new spatial realities roomates are, in turn, fed back into the political and decision making processes.

Ethno-territorial conflict reminds us that many groups continue to claim a special pieces of territory in what could be described as primordial, pre-modern, fashion. ethno-territorial conflicts express themselves through the process of separation of housing. conflicting groups are in separate blocks of housing, the environment separately, in separate villages and towns, and each, respectively, constitute a majority or minority in the local area and separate. Maintaining the demographic homogeneity of the region is a major factor in the continuity of ethno-territorial conflicts, if only because of the separation allows the maintenance of control systems to be practiced by ethnic leaders, facilitated through the borders, booking and managerialism. The role of the manager, acting as the gatekeeper for the social housing market has been well documented in the literature planning. Associated with both the public and private sectors, the thesis mangerialist associated patterns of ethno-territorial homogeneity to influence the political and economic groups who have the power to shape space and territory in accordance with their own interests. (US Canada)



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