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High School Community Service

Essay by   •  November 10, 2013  •  Essay  •  617 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,827 Views

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"Service to others is the payment you make for your space here on Earth" (Mohammed Ali). In today's world, it has become increasingly important that community service play a role in our concept of what it means to be a responsible citizen. The newly passed mandate, which requires all high school students to complete 10-15 hours of community service each week, is a step in the right direction. A few out of its many benefits, this requirement will help keep kids out of trouble after school hours, provide much needed support to local organizations, and foster a passion for volunteerism in young adults.

First of all, the new community service mandate will be an effective tool to help keep kids out of trouble after school hours, by providing a constructive outlet for their high energy. As far as teenagers are concerned, the old adage, "an idle mind is the devil's workshop" holds true. Studies have shown that children with excess free time are more likely to be involved in illicit behavior, such as drugs and violence, than those children that stay busy. Furthermore, weekly volunteer work will provide these young adults with an activity, outside of school, to feel connected to and take pride in. It is common knowledge that being a meaningful part of a larger goal helps to build self-esteem; as many studies suggest, higher self-esteem deters gang involvement and promotes other healthy behaviors.

Secondly, the new community service mandate will provide much needed support to local organizations. In light of the recent economic crisis, there are many more people in need than ever before. As such, it has become increasingly difficult to meet the higher demand for the services and programs offered by nonprofit organizations and government agencies alike. Invoking the help of high school students is certainly a reasonable solution to this growing problem. The community service requirement enables said entities to maintain or even expand the capacity in which they are able to serve the community. In addition, a surge in willing volunteers may ease the current strain on taxpayers to fund such resources. If the nation is to regain itself, everyone--including high school students--must actively show their support and get involved!

Finally, the new community service mandate will help to foster a passion for volunteerism in young adults. Community-based initiatives are the future of the public sector. As such, it is critically



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