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Harlem Renaissance

Essay by   •  November 28, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  2,743 Words (11 Pages)  •  2,865 Views

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The Harlem Renaissance Poets consist of: James Weldon Johnson, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Jean (Eugene) Toomer, Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Robert Hayden, and Gwendolyn Brooks. These eight poets contributed to modern day poetry in three ways. One: they all wrote marvelous poems that inspired our poets of modern times. Two: they contributed to literature to let us know what went on in there times, and how much we now have changed. And last but not least they all have written poems that people can sit down and relate to and what people are writing about and take time out to let the people of their families know that they were living in those times. And these people should receive such recognition because of the effort, and the time that was put fourth to doing this great work for the people of their generation and ours.

James Weldon Johnson, Countee Cullen, Claude Mckay, Jean (Eugene) Tommer, Langston

Hughes, Sterling Brown, Robert Hayden, and Gwendolyn Brooks, again, all were very excellent

Poets who took pride I n what they did, for the people they did it for and for themselves.

To be exact, he Harlem Renaissance is a time after the KKK completed their raid of

African Americans, when all of the Blacks would get together and have a good time.

Whether it was listening to the jazz band play background of a beautiful vocalist, as the

people of Harlem danced the night away, or looking at "freestyle" artist paint away.

Harlem way always occupied. Each poet wrote very many famous poem that we now

read today.

What started the renaissance was when the KKK finished the raid in which ended in the early 1900's, because blacks were being terrorized by white just because of the color of their skin. Eventually the Blacks overcame the racism, although the name calling was still going on the blacks had a good time in spite of the racism, which then became know as the "Harlem Renaissance." These poets became known as Harlem Renaissance poets because of the time period they began to write in, and they became famous fairly quick to be beginners. They were also known as the renaissance poets because of the poems they wrote about being called out of their names, and writing about how they overcame that time in their live, but mainly experiences they had as a juvenile target. These eight poets deserve such recognition because of what they wrote about, and the way they went about presenting them. They became very well known for what they did for they people of the Harlem clubs.

These eight people were inspired by people before them whether to write about what was going on around them, or sit down and keep their feelings inside of them. So then gave us as children the opportunity to so what was going on in the early 1900's, and an easier way to remember what was read. The intentions of each poets were for the people to see what was happening to them as Blacks. Being spit on, called names, going to jail for crimes that they didn't commit, and all kind of bad accusations all done because of the simple fact that they were all Black. These poets brought that to others attention so that they would realize what was going on in not so many words, and in a rhythm.

Until the early 1900's the world never realized the talents of African Americans until they gave them the chance to prove themselves. Whether they proved themselves by writing poetry, music, dramatizations, or art. They started new lives in Harlem, New York. They started a life without crime where the people could have fun, and hang out.

Most of these poets went to college at either Harvard or Fisk University. James Weldon Johnson was born in Jacksonville, Florida in 1871. He died in 1938. During his 67 year life, he made several different religious poems such as "God's Trombone," and "The Creation." Countee Cullen spent 43 years of his life in New York City. During his life period he also wrote several types of poetry which included: "Color," "Copper Sun," "The Ballad of the Brown Girl," and "My Soul's High Song." He was born in 1903 through 1946. Claude McKay was born in Jamaica, West Indies. He wrote "Harlem Shadows," and "Constab Ballads." He was born in 1889 through 1948. He was 59 when he died. Eugene "Jean" Toomer was born in Washington, DC In 1894. He wrote a poem called "Crane." He died in 1967, at the age of 73. The "Renaissance Man" Langston Hughes as born in 1902 and died in 1967. Two poems that Hughes wrote was "The Weary Blues," and "Shakespeare in Harlem." He was 65 at his death point.

In 1901, Washington, DC, a man named Sterling Brown was born. "Southern Road," and "The Last Ride" were two poems S.B. Wrote. 88 was how old he was when he died. Robert Hayden was originally born as Bundy Sheffey. He was born in 1913 and died in 1980. He wrote "Heart - Shape in the Dust," and "Figure of Time" just to name a few of the very many. And last but not least, the most recognized Harlem Renaissance female poet, and still alive today: Gwendolyn Brooks. She was born in Topeka, Kansas in 1917. Two of the poems she wrote are: "The Wall," and "A Street in Bronzeville." She is now 89 years of age.

These poets go along with all of the others that contributed to the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance also included musicians, vocalist, play writers, dance groups, etc. Poets are just one of the major people who took part in Harlem's fun place. Poetry is just another way to express your feelings about someone or something. In this case it expresses the way the poets felt about the racism that was currently going on. They felt as though they were being mistreated, and they were. They all were being treated differently because of the color of their skin. And that's is what most of their poetry was about.

Langston Hughes was called the "Renaissance Man," because he was he the main person to start off the Harlem Renaissance. He started the night clubs for people to show off their talents. Hughes is still well known today because of his famous poetry, and for what he did for the Blacks in Harlem, New York. As a child Hughes said " I write when I'm feeling bad to keep me from feeling worse than I already feel." The publishing company has made a book of Langston Hughes' poetry, which can



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