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Global Warming & Greenhouse Gases

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 Mary Elsaid

Professor Greer

College Composition II

11 October 2018

Global Warming (Greenhouse Gases)

        Global warming is the increase in the surface and atmospheric temperature which is caused by the presence of an excess amount of greenhouse gases and other pollutants resulting in a greenhouse effect, so it is a big problem in our world, and it effects every life on the earth. According to Wikipedia, “Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system and its related effects” (Kakkar). Now it is time to solve the problem in a mindful manner and take steps to prevent and stop global warming. The problem of global warming can be controlled by minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases that can lead to environmental pollution and climate change. “Greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming, an international problem for which solutions are still being sought” (Marica). We have to reduce the greenhouse gases to stop global warming. People should reduce emissions and greenhouse gases by planting trees, car ride sharing, reducing electricity use, and recycling.

Global warming happened because of many sources that harm the environment and also bring pollution, but there is one main cause that is considered the reason for global warming. First of all, the phenomenon of global warming occurs when the temperature of the earth rises to the maximum degree and reaches to the layers of the atmosphere. As a result, it causes the release of large quantities of gases which are called the greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CFCs. “The greenhouse effect, in turn, is one of the leading causes of global warming. The most significant greenhouse gases are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)" (Lallanilla).  Furthermore, methane is another gas that causes global warming. For example, Methane is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases, and it is considered more dangerous than CO2. “Methane emitted in the atmosphere is considered to be more harmful than carbon dioxide, accelerating the global warming phenomenon” (Marica).  Greenhouse gases are considered the main source that cause global warming.

 There are many types of gases called greenhouse gases that are considered the most harmful, for instance, water vapors, ozone, methane, and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse gas effect. “Methane is considered the third worst greenhouse gas, and it comes from natural sources and man-made sources” (Marica). Helmenstine points out:

Methane contributes to ozone depletion, plus acts as a greenhouse   gas. It lasts about 10 years in the atmosphere before being converted mainly to carbon dioxide and water. The global warming potential of methane is rated at 72 over a 20-year time frame. It does not last as long as carbon dioxide, but has a greater impact while its active. The methane cycle is not completely understood, but the concentration of methane in the atmosphere appears to have increased 150% since 1750 (Helmenstine).

 In addition, ammonia is one of these gases that come from the animals that affect the environment. “Ammonia is another gas resulting from the growth of animals that, in high concentrations, affect the health of the population, the animals and the environment” (Marica). “Agriculture is considered to be a major source of greenhouse gas emissions” (Marica). This quote shows that the products we use in agriculture eventually become dangerous greenhouse gases and may cause global warming too.

Are greenhouse gases harmful? This question can be answered by defining the greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are some gases compound in the layers of the atmosphere that are capable of holding heat, and prevent them from escaping from the surface of the earth. “A greenhouse gas is any gas that traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere rather than releasing the energy to space” (Helmenstine). These gases cause increasing in the temperature of the earth. Also, the greenhouse gases cause climate change that affect the temperature on earth. For example, it increases the temperature that increases evaporation of water as well, so it causes warming crisis.  Moreover, greenhouse gases lead to environmental pollution, and they are the main cause of global warming too. For example, the air will be contaminated by resulting many kinds of gases. One more reason to say that the greenhouse gases are very dangerous is that they affect the agriculture around the world.

There are many negative effects that will happen in the future if global warming continues. First, the greenhouse gases will increase and the environment will be damaged. For instance, the greenhouse gases will stay in the atmosphere, and they will harm the environment. One more effect that will happen because of global warming is that the temperature will increase, so the ice will be melted, and then the sea levels will increase also because of the flooding that is going to happen. “The weather isn’t the only thing global warming will impact: rising sea levels will erode coasts and cause more frequent coastal flooding. Some island nations will disappear” “As temperatures rise, ice will melt more quickly” (Riebeek). Furthermore, the weather will be very hot because the climate will change, and it can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and others affects on the medical conditions that affect people. Many new diseases may occur, and people will die. Plants and animals will be at risk, and they are very sensitive to climatic changes.  For example, if the climate changes, then animals may not be able to adapt, and they will die because of the increasing earth temperature. Finally, global warming can affect the economy. For example, many houses, buildings and business will be damaged, so the economy will be jeopardized.

People should try their best to avoid all these negative effects of global warming that risk the environment in the future. In order to avoid the effects of global warming the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases can be one of the main solutions. “treat climate change as a one-time problem- anthropogenic Greenhouse gases-with a one-time solution” (Gail). Also, other solutions include planting more trees and replacing the harmful gases with clean and green energy. For example, if people plant more trees, they will absorb the carbon dioxide that causes global warming, and it will produce fresh air and clean gases. “During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen” (Larry West). This means that it is very important to protect our trees to stop the greenhouse effect, and also for breathing and living. In addition, ride sharing our cars will help us to minimize this problem because of the harmful gases that come from the cars like gasoline that affect the environment and create carbon dioxide. For example, if everyone drives to his or her work everyday two times, he or she will need to put gas or gasoline in their cars every week, so it causes more carbon dioxide that would increase the moisture content in the air. Finally, greenhouse gases can be reduced by using less electricity and using less power by turning off the lights that people do not use when at home. All of these solutions are going to help in minimize the Carbon dioxide, which is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases, in the environment. Fewer greenhouse gasses will rise into the air, and global warming will slow down.



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