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Garden City Bistro

Essay by   •  September 15, 2010  •  Essay  •  341 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,411 Views

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Garden City Bistro - A local food store in town which I reside in, I worked 15 hours a week as a delivery boy for Garden City Bistro during the school year of my senior year.


Varsity Wrestling (which has showed me commitment, teamwork and Pride)

11, 12th grade

Lacrosse 9th grade


Future Business Leaders of America 9, 11, 12th grade

Spanish Club 11, 12th grade

S.A.D.D 11, 12th grade

Students Against Teen Smoking 9,10th grade

Miracle Club 11, 12th grade

Community Service

St. Joseph's Bible School Day Camp - Work with children in different activities worked during the summer for 3 years 20 hours per week.

Senior Connections- had a lunch buffet in the school cafeteria for the senior citizens.


Elected Class Representative - 12th grade

Made Principals List - 12th grade

Invited to join the NSLC - 12th Grade

Second Honors - 11th grade


Park Attendant- Worked at the local parks making sure everything went all right within in the park. Worked 21 hours a week from September 2000 to November 2001

Camp Counselor- Worked at a Lacrosse , Baseball , and Basketball camp during the summer . Worked 24 hours a week from June 2001 till August 2001.

Pizza Delivery Boy- worked 70 hours a week from June 2000 till July 2000



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