Computer Science Terms
Essay by review • December 21, 2010 • Essay • 1,070 Words (5 Pages) • 1,272 Views
Computer Science Terms:
Composite structure: the size of a typical software system implies that it must be broken down into manageable pieces of this
Composition: the process of building a system using simpler parts or components
Abstraction: the process of ignoring details irrelevant to the problem at hand and emphasizing essential ones. To abstract is to disregard certain differentiating details
Data: the info the program deals with
Functionality: what the program does with the data, the responsibility of the object to do
Object: the most abstract description of a basic component of an object oriented system
Values: a fundamental piece of info that can be manipulated by the program
Types: a set of related values along with the operations that can be preformed with them
Object: fundamental abstractions from which systems are built
Classes: a set of objects having the same features and properties
State of an object: the set of data maintained by an object at any given time
Reference values: a value that denotes an object
Data descriptions: properties of the object (name, date, etc)
Associated value: a property an object has at any given time
Variable: a portion of memory reserved to hold a single value
Instance variables: a variable that is a permanent part of an object: memory space for the variable is allocated when the object is created
Immutable: an object that's state cannot be changed
Mutable: and object that's state can be changed
*An object is characterized by the features it offers*
1. Query: a request for data
2. Command: a request to change state
Float & Double: sets of real rational numbers (i.e. 170000 or 1.4e12)
Char: set of values representing Unicode characters
Boolean: true or false values
Int value: contains a single integer
String: and immutable object that contains a sequence of characters
Identifier: a sequence of characters that can be used as a name in a Java program
Literal: a sequence of characters that denotes a particular value in a Java program
Comments: explanatory remarks that are included in a program for the benefit of a human reader and are ignored by the compiler
Chapter 2:
Features of an object: queries and commands
*A client queries and commands a server*
Specification (interface): definition of an object's features, as seen by its clients
Implementation: provides the internals that actually make up the features
Packages: groups of classes
Public class: indicates that the objects of that class will be accessible throughout the system
Public void: a command is a query that changes the state of the object but do not provide the client with a value
Method: a language construct that defines and implements a query or command
Constructor: a language construct used to create and initialize an object
Static diagrams: diagrams showing classes
Stub: dummy method or constructor
New: used to invoke a constructor and create an object
Interaction diagram: means of illustrating the order in which objects interact
Statement: provides the action that the processor is to carry out
Expression: a language construct that describes how to compute a particular value. Evaluation of this produces a value
Reset: invoked command to change the count to zero
incrementCount: to increment the count by 1
Assignment: (variableName = expression Wink - a statement that instructs the processor to computer a value and store it in a variable
Parameters: elements of information that must be provided
Method variable: a variable that is created when a method is invoked and de-allocated when the processor finished executing the method
Numeric promotion: the conversion of and int to a double
Operator precedence: * / % + -
Left associative: two expressions with equal precedence are evaluated from L to R
Compilation unit: a file containing the definition of one or more classes of a package
Import statement: placed at the beginning of a compilation unit (file), after a package statement, and apply to all classes defined in the compilation unit
Assignment expression: consists of a variable (left hand side), assignment operator (=) and expression (right hand side)
Increment expressions: il++ ++il
Decrement expressions: il- - - -il
Bitwise operators: allow the bit patterns of integral values to be manipulated