Bulimia Nervosa Disorder
Essay by review • December 2, 2010 • Term Paper • 1,665 Words (7 Pages) • 2,177 Views
Bulimia Nervosa [also known as Bulimia] is a very serious and dangerous eating disorder. The disorder can be describe as bingeing and then followed by purging or a person who eats a large amount of food in short periods of time and then vomits after eating to prevent on gaining the weight cause by the food. There is different ways of going about ways to prevent the weight gain, making oneself throw up, taking pills, or laxatives which will increase how fast the food will move through your body, exercising excessively, eating a little amount or not at all, or taking other pills to pass urine This disorder is mostly between the ages of 15 and 35, even if they have no specific food disorders. Studies made in Europe and USA have underlined the fact that roughly 10% of women in this age bracket say they and provoke vomiting occasionally 2% vomit once or more per week. This disorder is most commonly found in girls and in their late teen years, but that's not to say it does not happen to boys it does but it is very rare. With a person who has bulimia it is very hard to tell by their appearance because when you have Bulimia you look average weight or just below it.
This disorder is split up into 3 different illnesses they all have a lot in common but also have differences. The first type is Simple, simple bulimia nervosa usually affects girls at age 18 years old. The cause for this illness is under confident about oneself but come from good backgrounds. This illness is usually triggered by a short time of depression, such as a break up with a boyfriend. The girls who have simple bulimia nervosa have had a normal life as made friends normally and then they will have the short depression period and they will learn to hate themselves and their appearance. Usually diets start to boost up ones self esteem and then they cheat during the diet and vomiting will occur after eating. This form of bulimia is the least out of all 3 forms severe. But that is not to say that the girls who do this don't progress into worst conditions. Another form of the disorder is Anorexic Bulimia Nervosa this is almost a mixture between Anorexic and Bulimia. It starts off as just a brief period of anorexic and then when that is over the sufferer recovers the illness by a short period of stabilized weight and then even the menstruation restarts, but then usually bingeing starts after that which then is followed by the vomiting. This bulimic group is usually more mature and less obsessive with the idea. The last form of Bulimia is Multi-Impulsive Bulimia Nervosa this illness begins just like simple bulimia begins and in the same age group. This illness is usually caused by emotional and impulse control and most of the same reasons as simple bulimic sufferers. Most multi-impulsive bulimia nervosa sufferers also suffer from drug or alcohol abuse, self-harm [cutting forearms], and stealing. Usually there is a disturbance in the family of somewhat and in personality they have shown poor interest in normal activities, school, and socializing.
The disorder of Bulimia can be triggered by many different reasons and problems in someone's life. Bulimia is not just about losing weight and being frightened to gain weight there's more to it. The reason of vomiting is more to feel like the person can control something in their life .As they feel that they can't control most things that occur in their life they choose to vomit so they can control their weight this is most common in the teen years because puberty has just changed their whole life mostly, also for different people it eases stress and anxiety. There are so many different reasons for these disorders such as some cultures have the ideal body weight, which just happens to be thin. Families have a big impact on this disorder as well, mostly when the parents have a big say or opinion on the child's appearance or a family member already has the disorder it is common for another to have it also. There is also the most obvious of the disorder, if the person feels horribly about himself or herself and has low self esteem also when they feels helpless and hates the way they look. Also in our society there is pressure to be thin and stay thin and to some girls that itself is a huge issue on what others think.
Many students who participate in sports are very common to have an eating disorder such as Bulimia Nervosa. There are different sports that it is most common in and they are usually ones with less clothing or uniforms also. Athletes such as Gymnasts, ice-skaters, ballerinas and even runners have a very high risk of eating disorders. The effort to please people around another and to have a perfect body and even coaches suggesting diets for a team or players can lead to eating disorders. Even sports such as wrestling can have these disorders even though these disorders are less common in guys because wrestling has a specific weight category. Mostly in guy's sports eating disorders are unintentionally encouraged because more in boys sport teams they are taught winning is the most important thing. But when an athlete has an eating disorder it is more harmful because they are doing so much activity without nutrients and energy and then the performance level with decrease and injury is more likely to happen.
A person may not be able to tell a person has bulimia from a distance of their looks but there are many signs that give the disorder away. If you are looking at a person you can tell by their jaws and cheeks they could be swollen from all the vomiting, if they have cuts, scrapes, and even calluses on their knuckles or hands, that shows when they