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Application of Theories

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Rachael Jefferson-Tyler

Post University

November 8, 2015

During this interview, I and the clients deliberated on the details concerning her family. This family consists of Elizabeth; the mother; Ronald; significant other; Sherrod; the son and Bathsheba; the daughter. Elizabeth is a single mother raising two teenagers. Elizabeth is currently employed with a medical firm which sterilizes hospital instruments used in surgeries. Elizabeth has become discouraged and worried that she may be demoted to another department on her job or even worse, fired because she received the news that she has glaucoma in her right eye. This has caused her to work slower which causes less production. Elizabeth has also taken on another part-time job, which has put a strain on her physically and mentally due to the fact she has been working since she was 15 years old. She recently just left a job as a hotel maid. She was in this line of work for about 12 years. Before that she did work as a janitor and help positions at super markets. Elizabeth has always felt the need to be a financial provider for her family and is considered to be the breadwinner. She was taught by her elders that she must help out and put in her fair share if she resides in the same household as them. She continued to take on that responsibility even after she moved out and started her own life.

When Elizabeth moved on, she did so with her significant other, Ronald. They have been together for 28 years but never married (although it is considered common law marriage). Even though Ronald’s lifestyle has some negative aspects, the family views him as a provider as well. They feel as though he has made great contributions and sacrifices for the family. Although Ronald is not the birth father of Bathsheba and Sherrod, they view him as a father figure. Ronald does not currently have any employment and has little history of employment. He considers himself a “street man” and has his own “hustles”. Ronald feels as though he cannot make it in the 9 to 5 workforce. This has caused him to think and behave negatively along with abusing drugs for the last 20 years. He doesn’t want to feel as if he can’t be there for the family. As a man he feels that he should provide financially. Sherrod is 15 years of age and attends high school. He has struggles with his reading and has been put in a remedial reading course which has lowered his self-esteem. Bathsheba is 17 years of age and she is considered outgoing. She is in her senior year of high school and is involved in other extra-curricular activities. She has become overwhelmed and exhausted by taking on these tasks. Bathsheba has intentions of going to college on scholarship, but Sherrod intends to find a stable place of employment and make a living that way. Currently, neither child has employment due to Elizabeth’s disbelief of them working while in school. This family of 3 currently lives off a salary around 35k in a lower class neighborhood. There are drugs, violence and up and coming gangs in this area. These social forces they have had to endure is all the more reason that Elizabeth doesn’t want the children to go out and work at afternoon or evening hours.

Some family traditions that are practiced within this family are women playing the dominance role. The concept of “don’t wait on it, go and get it” has been passed on to Elizabeth and now Bathsheba. Although she has a mate who has his own way of providing, she continues to take on the tasks of hard work to make her own money. This produces a state of satisfaction within because she has been taught not to depend on anybody but herself. In this case, Bathsheba is destined to become like her mother in order to live up to her standards.

Elizabeth expresses that she feels obligated to continue taking care of her siblings even though they are now of age and able to take care of themselves. She feels like she is obligated to support and cater to their every need. Elizabeth will become disappointed in herself if she doesn’t measure up to these standards. A feeling of fear overwhelms her if these expectations are not met due to the belief that her work is not good enough. This way of thinking has developed because of what she was taught and had observed from her mother growing up. Going out in the workforce and being the breadwinner to take care of the household was imbedded in her and started at the age of 13. Now that she has two children of her own she is unable to take on the extra task of taking care of her siblings needs due to the financial strains. This makes Elizabeth depressed because disappointment from loved ones is projected towards her.

The Psychoanalytic concept is a method of investigating and treating personality disorders and is used in psychotherapy. Included in this theory is the idea that things that happen to people during childhood can contribute to the way they later function as adults (Psychoanalysis | Simply Psychology, 2015). This theory will give Elizabeth the opportunity to talk about her life and express how she really feels. This is referred by some as “the talking cure”. I will listen intently to her as her lifeline is articulated. As the therapist, I will then pinpoint what complications she is dealing with or draw attention to specific models that she carries out in her daily life. Occasions from youth, cataleptic feelings, beliefs, and inspirations all are factors in psychosis and maladaptive behaviors (What Is Psychoanalytic Therapy?, 2015).

Instead of applying Psychoanalytic, I could also apply the Psychodynamic therapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy, focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in a person’s present behavior. Psychodynamic therapy focuses on a client’s self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior. Elizabeth will be able to examine battles of conflict and indicators that arise from past dysfunctional connections. The psychodynamic psychotherapy have evolved from psychoanalytic theory in several approaches according to Jim Haggerty, (M.D) (2015). However, there are ways in which they are different. Instead of listening to Elizabeth talk on an array of issues, we will determine and agree what the one main emphasis points to. This usually is defined around the first or second session with client. I will still be listening intently to Elizabeth, but our focus would be on that one major concern rather than the rest following. Having a clear focus makes it possible to do interpretive work in a relatively short time because the therapist only addresses the circumscribed problem area ( (Psychoanalysis | Simply Psychology, 2015).



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