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Abortion in American Society

Essay by   •  September 2, 2010  •  Essay  •  663 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,657 Views

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Abortionhas, in my opinion, been one of the largest debatable issues in AmericanSociety. There are so many aspects andviews to examine before one can even begin to form their own opinion. Politician's views are quite different thanthe views of a religious person. Ibelieve the most important aspect to consider is the medical side of abortion. There are so many medical facts that makeabortion very dangerous. Personally, Iam pro-life. I do not think there isany reason for an abortion because there are so many other alternatives. After researching the facts, and seeing themedical, political and religious views, I believe most of our society wouldagree with me in saying abortion should not be an option.

Clinicalresearch provides a growing body of scientific evidence that having an abortioncan cause psychological as well as physical harm to women. Many times, after anabortion, women feel worthless and victimized because they failed at the mostnatural of human activities- the role of being a mother. Many women who have had an abortion alsosuffer from PAS ( post-abortion syndrome). Women suffering from PAS may experience drug and alcohol abuse, personalrelationship disorders, sexual dysfunction, repeated abortions, communicationdifficulties, damaged self-esteem and even attempt suicide. Even using anesthesia, 97% of womenexperience pain during an abortion. They may experience complications such as bleeding, hemorrhage,laceration of the cervix, menstrual disturbance, inflammation of thereproductive organs, and serious infection. Death of the mother is the most serious danger of abortions, but hasbeen very rare. Some evidence has beenshown that abortion can increase the risks of breast cancer.

Ibelieve it is hard to understand the political views of abortion. In my opinon, politicians will often saywhat they think the public wants to hear, and not what they truly believe. There have been many lawsuits about abortion,but the most important was the Roe vs. Wade case in 1973. The ruling stated that a woman and herdoctor may freely decide to terminate a pregnancy during the first trimester,however, state governments can restrict abortion access after the firsttrimester with laws intended to protect the woman's health. Abortions after fetal viability must beavailable if the woman's health or



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