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A Battle of the Heart Lord of the Rings

Essay by   •  March 16, 2011  •  Essay  •  956 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,337 Views

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A Battle of the Heart

In the book The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien Frodo Baggins was raised by Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit that disappeared without a trace and came back with wild stories and a ring, which he kept a secret from almost everyone, and the Ring helped him disappear during his 111th birthday. As his heir Frodo inherited not only the Bag End but the ring, too. The responsibility Frodo inherited with the ring, leaded the young hobbit to a journey in which he fought a battle against the evil powers of Sauron. The conflict in the story was man vs. man occurs when Frodo fought a battle of good vs. evil between him and Sauron.

Acknowledged as the protagonist of the epic, Frodo was gifted with a temper well fitting to fight evil, and Sauron. Frodo was brave, selfless, wise, observant, polite and selfless and those were the traits that helped him fight against Sauron. "A Ring of Power looks after itself, Frodo. It may slip off treacherously, but its keeper never abandons it" as said by Gandalf meant that even though Sauron didn't have the ring and didn't know its location he still had a complete control of it "It was not Gollum...but the Ring itself that decided things. The Ring left him". And in other words it meant that Sauron's influence was not defeated by the absence of the Ring, only abridged and spread out. The Ring will always be found, and it will at all time come back to its creator so that its sinful nature can be complete. The way Frodo fought against Sauron's will to get the One Ring was that Frodo refused to wear the Ring and use its powers even though they were meant for good and Gandalf's words encouraged him "Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire to strengthen to do good".

"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends" this was Gandalf's words about the reason of why he didn't kill Gollum, nevertheless these words come true at the end of the book when the Ring succeeded in harming Frodo and the fellowship. The Ring overwhelmed Boromir, which drove him to madness. The Ring preyed upon Boromir's desire for the power of Command, and it corrupted him through this weakness. In the end, Boromir was rescued only by his death, which, coupled with his last-breath access of his challenge to recover the Ring, gave a bittersweet sense of redemption. Aragorn's words following Boromir's death, "In Minas Tirith they endure the East Wind, but they do not ask it for tidings. But now Boromir has taken his road, and we must make haste to choose our own" these words total up the fall of Boromir, and illustrate what the future must hold for the rest of them. And the conflict of man vs. man between the Ring and Frodo increased when the Ring finally took control of Frodo.

As Frodo made a choice to use the Ring in order



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