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7 Natural Wonders of the World

Essay by   •  July 4, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,060 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,006 Views

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The world is made up of so many natural wonders. The world it self is a natural wonder; but now, they have the 7 Natural Wonders of The World. They are: the Great Reef Barrier, Victoria Falls, the Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon, the Volcano of Paricutin, Rio de Janeiro, and Mount Everest.

The first natural wonder of the world that I would talk about is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. According to the Wikipedia. It is he world largest coral reef system in the world. It is made of roughly 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands stretch for 1,616 miles over an area of approximately 132,974 square miles. This reef can be seen from outer space. You can find this reef in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queens-land in the northeast Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is also protected by The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, well one part of the reef is left out of the protection area so tourist may see this natural wonder.

The second natural wonder of the World I am going to talk about is the Victoria Falls. The name of this wonderful fall comes from the Europeans. They gave the falls that name. This was during the pre-colonial time and the name is still known to this day. The real name of the falls is Mosi-oa-Tunya; this means "The Smoke That Thunders". This name was giving by the native people of the falls. Victoria Falls is located in southern Africa between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls is known for the largest sheet of falling water in the world. Victoria Falls is one of Africa's major tourist attraction s and you should go see why.

Th third natural wonder of the world is The Northern Lights. These light are in the sky created my mother nature. These lights can be found in the North or South Pole. These light are about 60 to 600 kilometers above the earth's surface. In certain parts like Finnish Lapland, the lights can be seen up to 200 times a year. But like in southern Finland they can be seen usually less than 20 times. Many people go and see the lights and say that they are magnificent and a true beauty of mother earth.

The fourth natural wonder of the world is the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is located in Arizona. The Grand Canyon was not discovered until after the U.S. Civil War. According to the Wikipedia the Grand Canyon is a colorful steep-side gorge carved by the Colorado River in the U.S. state of Arizona. The Grand Canyon was one of the first national parks the United States Also President Theodore Roosevelt was one of the people that wanted to conserve the Grand Canyon, he even went their to hunt and to enjoy the scenery. The Grand Canyon was created by the Colorado river about 6 million years ago. The canyon is about 277 miles long, its width is 4 to 18 miles, and has a depth of more than a mile. Go and see for your self and you be the judge of that.

The fifth natural wonder of the world is Mount Everest. This mountain is located in Nepal and TIbet. Mount Everest has three names: the first is Mount Everest, the second one that comes form Nepal is Sagarmatha, meaning goddess of the sky, and in Tibet it is known as Chomolungma meaning mother goddess of the universe. Mount Everest was formed about 60 million years ago. Well the way this mountain got its name was after Sir George Everest in the year of 1865. He was a British surveyor-general of India. He was also known as Peak 15. The elevation of the mountain is 8,850m, also Mt. Everest rises a few millimeter each year



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