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15% Tax Across the Board

Essay by   •  September 7, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,155 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,780 Views

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15% Tax Across the Board

Money, I bet I have your attention now? Hard working Americans are consistently held down due to taxes. There are many unnecessary taxes that are taken from each individual every single year. The 15% sales tax concept eliminates the frustration and confusion of the different kinds of taxes, and creates more money for the federal government. This concept has been overlooked year after year since its conception. This is a 15% sales tax; a tax that takes 15% of all goods sold and gives it to our government. Be aware of the fact that it is now 7.75%; a lot of you may say, "7.75% is way too much already". The answer to that question is no, no it is not. That 15% sales tax goes diretc

ly to the federal government eliminating all income tax in ones paycheck. Imagine seeing your paycheck without taxes taken out of it. It seems almost unimaginable to me; now we can imagine it.

What does every employee constantly complain about every single paid day? What is one of the main topics that the presidential candidates stressed while campaigning? How come people like drug dealers get a big advantage in this world when it comes to pay taxes? And again, what consistently holds down the hard working American? I have found a way to answer all those questions? This concept has actually found a way to tax everybody, not just the working ones. This concept also makes it fair and economical to our federal government, not just the individual taxpayer. Under the implementation of this concept an individual could receive a paycheck and have virtually no taxes taken from it. This 15% sales tax eliminates confusion, taxes everybody, and organizes the government in a way that has never been done.

Eliminating the confusion of distributing all of the taxes throughout the country would be in our government's vital interest. Every two weeks I will go through the exact same ritual, I will receive my paycheck and furiously tare it open to see how much money I will be able to lose in the next two weeks. I'm always blessed with a beautiful number at the top that is very fair and deserving for the hard work that I do on the weekly basis. Then I always see a whole bunch of abbreviations, different dollar amounts, then the number at the bottom that always seems to depress me; one that is far less than the one on top I might add. All this stress, and then that unexpetc

ed bill we get in April. As it stands right now, the government has individual taxes for individual needs. The key thing to remember is that regardless of what those needs may be, and the demand for them allows money to get allotted. Under this 15% sales tax all the money goes to the federal government, and it is distributed as needed. Essentially, this makes the government more efficient, and much more simple.

The most important and beneficial aspetc

of this tax is that it taxes everybody. If there's one thing that has always bothered me in this life, it is being able to see drug dealers, prostitutes, loan sharks, and etc

., gain a financial edge in life over us because they have found a way to manipulate the system illegally. As we all know, regardless of what's legal or illegal, organized crime produces the most revenue from all big businesses in the United States of America. The amount of money that organized crime brings to the US in an annual basis is unbelievably more than what the biggest company in the US produces. This sales tax targets organized crime, and this is why: as it sits right now, we know that organized crime does not get taxed because they do not have legitimate work. Under the implementation of this sales tax, they would all be taxed. Everybody in this world has to spend money on groceries, car repairs, the McDonald's big Mac, and things of that nature. Every



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