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English Essays

7,264 English Free Papers: 1,201 - 1,230

  • Character Introduction

    Character Introduction

    BILBO BAGGINS: The Hobbit who led the Dwarves to the Lonely Mountain to recla im their treasure from the dragon Smaug. He found the One Ring in Gollum's cave GANDALF: The Wizard that accompanies Bilbo and the dwarves on their quest. He is well versed in magic spells and

    Essay Length: 2,212 Words / 9 Pages
  • Character Letter to Author Dimmesdale; Scarlet Letter

    Character Letter to Author Dimmesdale; Scarlet Letter

    My Dearest Reverend Author Dimmesdale, I have recently read the story of your life and I believe that some of the ways you handled yourself where rather horrendous. The initial thing that you did in the wrong was that you committed the sin of adultery. Did you have no respect

    Essay Length: 357 Words / 2 Pages
  • Character of Jane Eyre

    Character of Jane Eyre

    Character of Jane Eyre The famous novel Jane Eyre by Emily Bronte brings out to the reader a character that is universally acknowledged. Even though she wrote the novel in the Victorian era, the morality she brings out through Jane Eyre's character is apt to the modern day society also.

    Essay Length: 1,214 Words / 5 Pages
  • Character Overvew of one Flew over the Cockoo's Nest

    Character Overvew of one Flew over the Cockoo's Nest

    2-The development of Chief Bromdem was inevitable. As soon as McMurphy arrived at the ward the chief was intrigued by the way he was. Since the very beginning McMurphy started to work on the chief's character. The fact that he had to act deaf and dumb in order to

    Essay Length: 341 Words / 2 Pages
  • Character Plot Death of a Sales Men

    Character Plot Death of a Sales Men

    Willy Loman is the main character and protagonist of the play. He has been a traveling salesman, the lowest of positions, for the Wagner Company for thirty-four years. Never very successful in sales, Willy has earned a meager income and owns little. His refrigerator, his car, and his house are

    Essay Length: 837 Words / 4 Pages
  • Character Sketch of Brutus from Caesar

    Character Sketch of Brutus from Caesar

    Brutus Brutus was first and foremost an honorable man, putting the safety of Rome above everything else. His three most noticeable characteristics were his honor, his naivete, and his stoicism. However, his honor honesty, and trustfulness eventually became the things that killed him. First of all, Brutus is a stoic.

    Essay Length: 664 Words / 3 Pages
  • Character Study of Piggy from Lord of the Flies

    Character Study of Piggy from Lord of the Flies

    In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, some English boys find themselves on an island because their plane was shot down during World War II. When the boys first land Piggy and Ralph emerge from the woods and gather the rest of the boys that are still alive. Piggy plays

    Essay Length: 422 Words / 2 Pages
  • Character Study on Inspecter Calls by J.B Priestly

    Character Study on Inspecter Calls by J.B Priestly


    Essay Length: 1,579 Words / 7 Pages
  • Character Traits in a Separate Peace

    Character Traits in a Separate Peace

    In the book A Separate Peace by John Knowles, one of the main themes is the effects of realism, idealism, and isolationism on Brinker, Phineas, and Gene. Though not everyone can be described using one of these approaches to life, the approaches completely conform to these characters to create one

    Essay Length: 403 Words / 2 Pages
  • Character Transformations in Dh Lawrence's "the Blind Man" and "the Horse Dealer's Daughter

    Character Transformations in Dh Lawrence's "the Blind Man" and "the Horse Dealer's Daughter

    In DH Lawrence's stories "The Blind Man" and "The Horse Dealer's Daughter," the reader watches as characters move from having something missing in their lives, to being truly whole. Lawrence uses images of darkness to illustrate the emotions of his characters. In "The Blind Man," Isabel goes to look

    Essay Length: 580 Words / 3 Pages
  • Characteristics Leading to Fortunato's Death

    Characteristics Leading to Fortunato's Death

    "The Cask of Amontillado" tells a short story of classic and perfect revenge. The creepy story is about the unfortunate murder of a man named Fortunato, ironically meaning fortunate in Italian. Fortunato was anything but fortunate. He appropriately wears the jester's costume in this story; for, he is foolishly inebriated,

    Essay Length: 642 Words / 3 Pages
  • Characteristics of a Comedy

    Characteristics of a Comedy

    Characteristics of Comedy There are many characteristics that make up a comedy. Characteristics such as mistaken identity, battle of the sexes, and jumping to conclusions are what set the comedic story apart from the tragedy. Within a comedy, no matter how much fault, and dismay may appear within the story,

    Essay Length: 1,265 Words / 6 Pages
  • Characteristics of Creon

    Characteristics of Creon

    Characteristics of Creon Throughout the story of Antigone, particularly the end, Creon proposes the bad-boy in control personality. He acts as the ruler he is and puts his power to work. He fears nothing unless his family is involved. He has no mercy when it comes to the law. Additionally,

    Essay Length: 456 Words / 2 Pages
  • Characteristics of Good Literature

    Characteristics of Good Literature

    Characteristics of Good Literature Throughout school, one will read many books, and form opinions on them. As a reader gets older, they may find their "type" of book, which they enjoy reading above all others. Readers often form their own, personalized definition of "good literature," even if this is done

    Essay Length: 1,077 Words / 5 Pages
  • Characteristics of Human Greatness

    Characteristics of Human Greatness

    The Iliad by Homer is about characteristics of human greatness. In this epic poem, characters vie for greatness and the thought of being remembered by all. By encountering many different warriors, kings, gods and goddess', the reader becomes familiar with both vice and virtue. In The Iliad there are many

    Essay Length: 1,015 Words / 5 Pages
  • Characteristics of War in the Iliad

    Characteristics of War in the Iliad

    Wars are often complex in nature and are fought for diverse reasons. In the Iliad, powerful gods, great nations, and heroic people all fight for different reasons. Each has private motivations to fight the war. These private motivations are of special interest, because they help define the consequences and outcomes

    Essay Length: 678 Words / 3 Pages
  • Characterization in a Classic Novel

    Characterization in a Classic Novel

    Characterization in a Classic Novel Mary Shelly's Frankenstein is the story of a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, and his quest to create life from death. Frankenstein's experiment goes dreadfully wrong and he is forced to flee from the monster he created. Throughout this novel, Frankenstein is characterized by his extreme intelligence,

    Essay Length: 557 Words / 3 Pages
  • Characterization in Romeo and Juliet

    Characterization in Romeo and Juliet

    In Act One of William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, we meet Romeo, Mercutio, and Tybalt. Right away, we get an idea of who these characters are and what kind of role they will play throughout the story. Romeo, Mercutio, and Tybalt share many distinctive characteristics and personalities in

    Essay Length: 1,181 Words / 5 Pages
  • Characterization of Lady Macbeth

    Characterization of Lady Macbeth

    Many have tried to define the character of Lady Macbeth, perhaps the most memorable character of Shakespeare's legendary tale of murderous ambition, Macbeth. As the play opens and Lady Macbeth is introduced, her motives are not fully visible until her second appearance in Act II Scene 2. As her

    Essay Length: 448 Words / 2 Pages
  • Characterization of Sonny's Blues

    Characterization of Sonny's Blues

    In this story, Baldwin writes about two brothers who grew together. As each of the boys grew older, they fell apart from one another and lived two completely different lives. Baldwin carefully establishes the brothers as opposites. The narrator (the older brother) l He is a cautious, respectable family man

    Essay Length: 286 Words / 2 Pages
  • Characterization, Tone, and Setting in the Story of an Hour

    Characterization, Tone, and Setting in the Story of an Hour

    Characterization, Tone, and Setting in The Story of an Hour 1 The theme of "The Story of an Hour" is do not believe everything that is told to you until you see it yourself. This story is understood better when you focus on these three critical concepts, characterization, tone and

    Essay Length: 537 Words / 3 Pages
  • Characters and Values

    Characters and Values

    Characters tend to take to their values very strongly. A character will do anything possible to stand behind what they value. Authors use this to invoke a strong feeling in the reader, and make the plot more meaningful. By showing how strongly values affect the character, it causes one

    Essay Length: 562 Words / 3 Pages
  • Charge of Light Brigade

    Charge of Light Brigade

    Men need to stop and realize the amount of freedom they have to do as they please. They should be thankful for the ability to explore around and meet new people in the world. This amount of freedom would be impossible without our soldiers fighting battles. The brave men who

    Essay Length: 890 Words / 4 Pages
  • Charitty Royal

    Charitty Royal

    Charity Royall displays both self indulgence and self control. Judge Royall represented law and structure in her life. He was the one sure thing that she had. He was her only monetary means of survival and without him she would not be were she is or would not have a

    Essay Length: 1,480 Words / 6 Pages
  • Charles Bowman's Father Case

    Charles Bowman's Father Case

    West Lakes was started by Charles Bowman's father in Toronto, Ontario in 1970. Initially it started with the manufacturing of table lamps only but with time they expanded their business into floor lamps and other lighting fixtures. They opened a retail store and also started selling from its own website.

    Essay Length: 562 Words / 3 Pages
  • Charles Bukowski

    Charles Bukowski

    Charles Bukowski was a hero to some while a degenerate to others. He found beauty in the ugliest aspects of life. He spoke of violence and drunkenness, and did it with pride. In "My Madness" Bukowski has created an opinion on life that's raw, vulgar, and to the point. He

    Essay Length: 964 Words / 4 Pages
  • Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens is the most widely read Victorian writer. The Victorian era, 1837-1901, was an era of new social developments that caused many of the writers of the period to take positions on the new developments in society. Dickens petitioned that social consciousness would overcome social misery. He often wrote

    Essay Length: 2,798 Words / 12 Pages
  • Charles Dickens - Great Expectations

    Charles Dickens - Great Expectations

    The portrayal of society in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations is that of a symbol of contemporary British civilization, with Miss Havisham representing the epitome of such. By utilizing this particular character as the conduit between social body and physical body, the author successfully blends together the kinship inherent to these

    Essay Length: 1,116 Words / 5 Pages
  • Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist

    Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist

    Janice Vincent Characters as Social Aspects in Oliver Twist "The Victorians were avowedly, unashamedly, incorrigibly moralists. They . . . engaged in philanthropic enterprises in part to satisfy their own moral needs. And they were moralists in behalf of the poor, whom they sought not only to assist materially but

    Essay Length: 1,806 Words / 8 Pages
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    It is a book written for children, almost like me. The secret chocolate factory give out five golden ticket which hidden in the chocolate bars.Children with the golden ticket can visit the chocolate factory, so what will happen to the children? Just read this book, you will find out.It is

    Essay Length: 241 Words / 1 Pages
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