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Search Refund Policy

  • Free account

    Our free accounts are never charged a fee for using the site. We don't ask you for a credit card number or any other payment method unless you are purchasing a premium account on the site.

  • Canceling your account after your first charge

    Members who cancel their account after their first charge are responsible for the initial charge to their account. We will not charge you again once your account has been canceled. In order to treat everyone equally, no exceptions will be made.

  • Canceling your account after a recurring charge

    Our sites are membership-based, so all Premium Accounts are subject to recurring fees for unlimited access to the sites. For example, if your billing cycle is on the 18th of every month and you cancel on the 24th, you'll still have to pay for the current month, but you won't be charged again after that. Having said that, we are people too, and we know life can get in the way sometimes. So if you cancel your account the day -- or even the day after -- you receive a charge from our site, we can usually refund your payment. We determine whether to issue a refund based on your activity on the site during the disputed billing period.

  • Can I still access the site after I cancel my account?

    Yes. If you were billed on the 18th and you cancel your account on the 24th, you will continue to have premium access to the site until the 18th of the following month. After the 18th, your account will be downgraded to a free account, which has limited access to content. Free accounts are never charged.

  • I was told a refund was issued to my credit card. Why don't I see it?

    When we issue a refund it is processed immediately, but, depending on your bank, it can take up to 30 days for it to appear on your statement. If after 30 days your refund still has not appeared, please contact us and we'll make sure the refund is processed correctly.

  • How do I cancel my account?

    It's easy! Just go to our cancellation page.