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What Are Pip's Ð''great Expectations' and How Are These Conveyed Through Language in Dickens' Text?

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What are Pip's Ð''Great Expectations' and how are these conveyed through language in Dickens' text?

In the novel Ð''Great Expectations, Phillip Pirrip generally known as Pip is a young boy from the lower class. He is the protagonist and we are introduced to his life and taken through his journey. Pip is given the opportunity to be a gentleman, which is a very prestigious opportunity and even more especially for someone from the lower class. Along with this opportunity, Pip is presented with a lot of Ð''Great Expectations' which he must meet. These expectations will be explored in the essay.

When Pip was still young, Joe and Pip had decided the Pip was to be a blacksmith. Pip was quite fond of the idea until he went to Miss Havisham's house and faced the demoralising critique from Estella. After this, Pip started to be more self Ð'- aware and lost his self Ð'- esteem and views of his "common hands". He also became ashamed of where he grew up and lived and also of whom he is associated with. He also becomes annoyed with the fact that Joe had not grown up with a formal education. Pip wishes Joe had been more educated so that Joe could teach Pip to be like that. Pip wants this because he wants to impress Estella. After some time, the opportunity arises for Pip to receive a formal education and become a gentleman. Although Pip has started his apprenticeship with Joe, he decides to leave so that he may make his fortune. Joe wants Pip to find his fortune and supports Pip decision of leaving. Pip sets off to accomplish his Ð''Great Expectations'.

Pip has meets many people and forms many relationships. His most important relationships are with Estella, Abel Magwitch and Joe.

When Pip receives an invitation to "play" at Miss Havisham's house, he meets a young and beautiful girl named Estella. Although she is pretty she is also very cruel because of how she has been brought up. However, Pip cannot help but fall into a hopeless love. Although he loves her, she does not return her love (unrequited love) and the main issue is that Estella never completely rejects Pip. This results in Pip never being able to have relationship outside of his with Estella. Pip's Ð''Great Expectations' are to be with Estella, however, because of the class differences between them and the nature of Estella it is impossible. Pip's love for her is too strong so he is unable to recognise this. In the beginning, Estella is very cruel to Pip and calls him a "common boy" and on a number of occasions, makes Pip feel like crying. Estella's continual cruelty causes Pip to feel ashamed of where he has come from and how he lives. Until he met Estella Pip never noticed that his "hands were coarse, that my boots were thick; that I had fallen into a despicable habit of calling knaves Jacks Ð'... that I was in a low-lived bad way". Pip is very depressed and Dickens has conveyed this through the description of what Pip views as wrong.

Pip first encounters Magwitch in the marshes at the beginning of the novel. However, he is unaware of Magwitch's identity and refers to him as Ð''his convict'. Pip helps the convict and earns the respect of the convict. Magwitch returns to Pip later in the novel and reveals himself as Pip's benefactor and because of this relationship; he is continually tortured trying to take care of his benefactor. Pip is caught off guard by this news that the convict that he helped as a little boy has completely changed his life by being the founder of his fortune. Magwitch is a dark character with whom Pip is connected to for the whole text. When he reappears in Pip's life, Pip is torn; Magwitch's convict past is some thing which fills Pip with fear. Not only the fear that Magwitch may harm Pip, but also that the authorities will catch Magwitch and that he would also be taken to jail. Pip is unable to fight the connection they share as this has assisted him in his goal to achieve his Ð''Great Expectations'. Magwitch is very proud of the gentleman he created and his loving affection towards Pip gives Pip the strength to once again take care of Magwitch. Pip develops a close relationship with Magwitch through their struggles to not get caught.

As a young boy, Joe is Pip's father figure as both Pips' parents have died and he has had to live with his sister who has brought him up "by hand". Although Joe is "awful dull", he teaches Pip his virtues and his lifestyle. Pip has great respect for Joe and listens to everything that Joe has to say. Joe also has a very close affection for Pip which never disappears even after he is shunned by Pip. Joe's thoughts on Pip's Ð''Great Expectations' are that he would like Pip to become educated and a gentleman. Joe is a gentleman of a different type given the class system he is apart of. Pip becomes embarrassed by Joe but he also feels a sense of sadness. After Pip becomes a gentleman, the way in which he speaks changes because of the people around him. Joe dialogue, on the other hand, stays the same and this re-enforces the class difference between the two. Pip's life has moved on from his association with Joe and Mrs Joe. Pip now understands the social aspects of the higher society in London. The arrival of Joe also reinforces where he has come from, this serves as a reminder of his life before he has a chance to have greater expectations.

While establishing a business with Herbert Pocket, they develop a large debt while awaiting their fortune. They continually wait for their business to Ð''boom' into a success but the opportunity never arises for them. This results in Pip having to continually borrow money from the bank and continually fall into large amounts of debt. Another of



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